Chapter 9

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"That was amazing, Vanessa. You're powers are so...powerful!" Marie gushed, admiring me.

I smirked and flipped my ponytail. "Oh, please," I said, raising my eyebrows at my nails. "That was nothing. I can do mush worse than that."

Suddenly, the front doors opened and Drizella, Anastasia, and Marie turned to look. I mimicked their gaze and in walked Aurora and Cinderella, followed closely by Jim and Ariel. My jaw fell open.

"They're back," Anastasia stated obviously.

I flashed an annoyed look at her. "Apparently."

"Maybe you should actually drown them next time," Marie said, watching them walk down the hall.

"Hm," I mused, glaring at the four who were all unfazed. I guess I wouldhave to be stronger. I needed to scare them both into giving up their parts, getting me the part of the lead. They could not have all the glory, and they could not have Eric. Plus, my mom was already mad at me for not getting a good part. I needed to be better.

At that moment, Minnie Mouse said over the intercom, "Can Vanessa Sea come to the principal's office, please? Vanessa Sea, the principal's office." I sighed, not expecting to be found out this early.

"Oh, no," Anastasia said, a worried look on her face.

"Oh, relax Tremaine number one," I said, already walking to the office. "I've got this all under control."

I arrived at the building, walking straight into Mickey's office with no invitation. "Oh, hello, Miss Sea. Sit down..." he said, but I had already taken a seat in a plush chair. He cleared his throat. "So, um, Aurora Rose and Ariel Atlantica have been involved with some water-related magical...incidents and we think that you may have had some motivation to do so."

I fake gasped and I brought a hand up to my crimson lips. "Me? Hurt Aurora and Ariel? My friends? I would never!"

"You have water powers, and they said that you may have been jealous over the fall musical roles," Mickey relayed to me nervously, seeming to shrink under my apparent surprise.

"That old thing?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "Oh, I don't mind at all. They are perfect for the part anyway. I would never steal it from them. How low do you think of me, Mr. Mickey?"

"Oh..." Mickey said, looking confused. "Well...I guess I'll have to question everyone else with water powers. But, Miss Sea, you, are not off the hook yet. Now, go to your third period, have Mrs. Minnie write a pass for you."

I stalked out of the office, passing by Minnie and heading straight into the hallway. But, instead of going to math, I walked to my mother's office.

I knocked on the door labeled 'Ursula Sea, Science and Swim Coach.' "Come in," her voice drawled, and I opened the door. She was lounging in her large spin chair, puffing out smoke from her cigarette. I coughed, rolling my eyes. She had been told off from smoking many times, but never listened. "Vanessa," she said. "What happened in the office? I trust you went through with the job?"

"Yes," I sighed, collapsing into a chair. "I did it. But it didn't do much. I just saw them come in and they were all happy and flouncy, not a care in the world."

"Well, then you need to do more. They cannot have that part. You are not doing your best," she said, carelessly breathing in another cloud of smoke through her nostrils.

"Those stunts took a lot of energy out of me, Mom. I'm tired. You know how weak I get after using my powers. Plus, I did two consecutively," I protested.

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