Chapter 8

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The next morning after homeroom, I walked to my locker to get my science book. On the other side of the hall stood Vanessa, Drizella, and Marie in a huddle. Vanessa gave me a fake smile as the other two continued muttering to her. I moved past Jim Hawkins, who had the locker beside mine. As I entered the combination, I felt the girls' eyes on me.

When I opened the locker, I was met with water glaring down at me. It was sloshing around in an impossible rectangular shape, covering my books and items. My eyes widened, knowing this couldn't be possible, but before I could do anything, I heard fingers snap and the water heaved on top of me. I was slapped in the face with it and forced onto the ground. I coughed and sputtered as the people around me chuckled. Wiping my hair from my face, I blinked dazedly, grunting.

"Are you okay?" Jim asked worriedly, crouching down next to me. I realized the front of his clothes were wet too from being splashed, and immediately felt bad.

"Somebody's having a bad day, huh, Fish Girl?" Drizella said snottily, giving a high-pitched cackle.

"Shut up, Drizella," Jim defended, scowling at her. She and her friends chirped and giggled, walking down the hall. Vanessa shot me one last dirty look, smirking.

I sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just, um, a little wet," I said, accepting his hand for help up.

"Here," he said, snatching a jacket from his locker. He shrugged it over me and I thanked him. "Let's go to the office. Maybe you can get a change of clothes and we can figure out who did this."

We began walking. "How was that possible?" I murmured to myself, replaying the mysterious water over in my mind.

"I don't know. Water doesn't just do must've been magic. We'll find out in Mickey's office," Jim said thoughtfully, eyebrows furrowing. All of a sudden, I realized that his arm was still around my shoulders and blushed. Jim didn't notice and kept it there.

We reached the office, asking Minnie about her husband. She looked concerned and said, "Yes, of course...I think you'd better go in here now. What happened?"

I tried to explain the situation briskly, and when I finished, she opened the door and asked Mickey if we could come in. We were revealed to the office, and standing there with the principal was Aurora and Cinderella, drenched from head to toe.


On Monday, I had gotten several congratulatory texts about my new part of Sandy in Grease. I was, of course, as humble as possible and thanked everyone.

As I walked into the school building, I said to Cindy and Snow, "I'm going to go to the choir room to talk to Mrs. Rose, okay guys? I'll only be three minutes. Meet me at my locker?"

"Sure," Snow agreed. I flashed a smile at her and Cindy and walked toward the choir classroom. I turned the knob, and it was surprisingly unlocked. I entered into the empty classroom, looking around for Mrs. Rose.

"Hello?" I called. Suddenly, the door slammed behind me and I startled. Looking around, I was still alone. I went to the door, tugging at the knob, but it wouldn't open.

Then, at my feet, water began to pour in from the crack under the door. It pooled around my feet, rising to ankle-length in just a few seconds.

"What...?" I muttered to myself, stepping away from the water. It slipped into my ankle boots and panic started to rise in my chest. I clutched my book to me and pressed myself to the opposite wall, the water at my knees now.

My breathing quickening, I sloshed over to the door and began pounding on it. "Help!" I cried, trying the door over and over. "Help! Please!" The water began seeping into my corduroy skirt and I smacked on the door harder. The water reached my shoulders quickly. I felt around in my hair, trying to see if I had a bobby pin in it to pick the lock, but this was the one unfortunate day that I had worn it completely down. I began treading water, letting my book and bag drift away from me.

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