Chapter 34

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The Talent Show


"Is anyone sitting here?" someone asked. I turned from talking to Peter, and I was surprised when I saw Astrid pointing to the chair next to me.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked enthusiastically, and she took it as an invitation to sit down in the velvet seat.

"As you know, Dreamworks doesn't really value student entertainment," she said with a laugh. "I thought it'd be fun."

"You know you had to pay ten dollars to get in, right? It's going to go towards us, not Dreamworks. Some student council activity they're planning."

She shrugged, a faint smirk playing over her lips. "Whatever. If it's the activity I think it is, I think it will help me more than you think."

I was about to respond in confusion, but Peter and Wendy had leaned over and interrupted. "Hiccup, who's your friend?" Peter asked in a friendly tone, that childish grin shining over to Astrid.

"Oh, this is Astrid, an old...friend from Dreamworks," I bluffed. It would probably be best that my friends didn't know about the history between me and Astrid. She and her friends bullying me and Jack and everything.

"Hey, I'm Peter and this is my girlfriend Wendy," Peter said, reaching over to give Astrid a fist bump as Wendy waved.

After that friendly introduction, a new voice came into the conversation. "Astrid?" We all looked up to see Jack's disgusted and confused face staring down at her as he clutched two cupcakes. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Um, Jack, hi," Astrid said uncomfortably, trying to smile at him. He continued scowling.

"Jack, back off," I warned. I knew that he could get pretty worked up by this, and the last thing we needed was a big scene.

A bumping sound rang over the speakers, and Tiana walked in front of the stage curtain, tapping the microphone. Jack reluctantly sat down next to Wendy, not giving me the cupcake I had asked him to get me. "Good evenin', Disney High!" she exclaimed, beaming. The audience clapped as the lights dimmed and she was flooded in a spotlight.

"My name is Tiana Orleans, your class president. Welcome to our first talent show! As you know, there was an entry fee and also a small fee to perform. There is a bake sale back there as well, with cupcakes and treats made by yours truly and the darlin' Snow White. All of these funds are goin' right back to you, I promise. If we reach our goal amount of thirty-five hundred dollars, I will reveal the project that student council and the faculty have been workin' on!

"On another note," she continued, "this talent show is featuring some of our magical students. They will showcase their powers to campaign for their very own magic class, and I think you're all gonna love it. So, please enjoy the show!'

She walked off stage to loud applause, and Jane took the microphone from her. "Hello, everybody. I'm Jane Porter, your vice president, and I will be announcing each act. First up we have the fairies: Silvermist Waters, Rosetta Gardner, Fawn Deer, Periwinkle and Tinkerbell Hollow, Iridessa Symone, and Vidia Govad."

We clapped as Jane walked off and the curtains opened, revealing a big wooden dome. Each of the fairies flew out one by one, showing off their talents and ending with a beautiful formation complete with a water pattern, butterflies, disco lights, flowers, all spun by Vidiia's fast flying techniques.

Next, Esmeralda and Quasimodo performed a very fascinating magic act. Cinderella and Aurora sang an original song together, called "So This is Love." Then Mulan and Shang entered to show off their martial arts, which Astrid thoroughly enjoyed. Dumbo did a circus act, complete with a tightrope, trapeze, and trampoline. Naveen got the crowd very excited, especially the girls, when he shredded a catchy tune on his ukulele, getting one of the Bimbette sisters to dance with him.

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