Chapter 35

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In homeroom on Monday, during the morning announcements, Fairy Godmother said, "And would Miss Elsa Arendelle please come to  the main office? The main office, Miss Elsa Arendelle."

My breath caught. I mean, I knew it was going to happen eventually, but the staring eyes were already too much for me. The moment I had stepped into the school that morning, everyone had their eyes glued to me, the girl whose magic ice powers malfunctioned in the talent show. I was feeling crushed, my lungs were contracting on themselves. When Fairy Godmother said my name, the whole classroom turned around to stare at me even more, and I shakily stood up.

Walking quickly out of the classroom, I tried to shrink myself. My feet clacked down the empty hall. Then, I passed Nick Wilde, who winked at me and I rolled my eyes. Skipping class. I was sure Judy didn't know, because she would be crushed.

Keeping my head down, I turned the corner but suddenly rammed into a muscular chest. I gasped and fell back to the floor. Glancing up, I recognized Hans. "I'm so sorry!' he said apologetically. He held out a hand. I hesitated. I didn't want to hurt him again. "Elsa?"

I took his hand and he helped me up gently. "Are you okay?" we both asked at the same time.

I blushed and looked down. "Yeah, thanks," I said bashfully.

Hans laughed. "I'm great. I just got out of the nurse's office, and he says I'm all good to go. Really, Elsa, I'm fine," he said, looking at me sincerely. I looked up at him.

Snapping back quickly, I said, "Oh, good. That's great. I am really sorry."

"It's fine. Hey, where are you off to?" he asked, as I began walking towards the office again.

"Um, I was called to the main office. They're probably going to suspend me," I said sadly, hugging my elbows.

"No they won't. Hey, mind if I walk you there?" he asked kindly, putting his hands in his pockets.

I stopped, staring up at him. "Don't you have class?"

He looked around sneakily, making me laugh. Pulling me low, he said, "Between you and me, I am still in the nurse's office."

I giggled, but then stopped myself. What was I doing? I had a boyfriend. Just a week ago, Hans was practically stalking me.

We began walking. "So," he said. "How's it between you and Jack?"

There it was. I sighed and looked away. "Honestly, it's...a little rough right now. I don't really know what's going on, but there's a lot happening now and I'm...I'm sure we'll sort it out," I confessed nervously, staring blatantly away from him.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I'm sure it will get better," he said consolingly. 


There was a pause, and I was filled with nerves. What was I supposed to say?

Hans then continued. "And, for the record, before the whole...head hitting thing, your magic was incredible."

I looked back up at him, starting to smile. "Really?" He nodded. "Thank you."

We arrived at the door of the main office and both stopped. I anxiously turned to him, nervously swinging my arms. "So...this is my stop," I said awkwardly, pointing to the office door.

"Yeah, I guess. See you in class?" he replied hopefully. I nodded, bid him goodbye, and shakily opened the door.

Minnie looked up from her computer, her face splitting into a sweet smile. "Hi, Elsa," she said. "You can go right on in to Mickey's office."

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