Chapter 19

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The two mornings after the accident, I woke up abruptly in the hospital when a needle was taken out of my hand. "Ow!" I croaked, flinching.

"Sorry, ma'am. Just taking out your IV," a nurse said, looking at me apologetically.

"Do I get to go home today?" I asked excitedly, sitting up but flinching at the pain still in my ribs.

"Yes, ma'am. Your principal is arriving soon to sign the release papers."


Until 3, doctors were taking my temperature, blood pressure, eyesight, hydration level until my head was spinning (that could just be from the concussion, though). One very attractive nurse had even put a compression bandage around my chest for the ride home.

Finally, Principal Mickey and our Dean, Mrs. Queen, arrived along with Merida, Pocahontas, Kida, and Giselle. "Oh, you look better already!" Giselle told me optimistically, handing me a cup of iced coffee as Mickey conversed with my doctor. I smiled and blushed, while Kida rolled their eyes and they all helped me get into a wheelchair.

We got into a large van, so tall that I didn't have to bend down so that my ribs wouldn't hurt. There was a barrier in between the front seats and back, so I felt comfortable talking to my friends without Mickey or Mrs. Queen hearing.

"So, did I miss anything while I was gone?" I asked, laughing. Nothing big could've possibly happened in two nights.

The four of my friends shared a look. "Ariel got kidnapped," Merida said bluntly.

"What?" I screeched, causing me to cough and pain to shoot through my ribs. "Ow." Giselle quickly handed me a water bottle. "She got kidnapped?"

Pocahontas nodded.

"Two nights ago, people say she was locked in a dorm room, I think. Nobody knows who it is, and she won't talk about it. Not even Mickey knows about it," Kida said quietly.

"This is crazy. Of course, the night I'm in the hospital, something like this happens. Is she okay?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Yes! I saw her in the Black Cauldron this morning when I was getting your coffee!" Giselle piped up quickly, smiling widely.

Kida rolled their eyes again. I didn't know what was up with them.

"Gaston has been suspended for two weeks, and has a restraining order on you. Everyone is supposed to make sure that he stays far away from you. And he was kicked off the football team, replaced by Jim. I think Kocoum is taking your place," Pocahontas told me, and I sighed in relief, closing my eyes.

"Thank God," I said, smiling. "Thanks. I would've been so mad if nothing was done about Gaston."

We arrived at the dorm building, and there was a small clump of people waiting. It included Hercules, Tiana, Meg, Tiger, Nani, Vidia, Esme, Judy, Jasmine, Nala, Snow, Tarzan, Simba, and of course, Shang. I was helped out of the vehicle and I hobbled over to Shang, who engulfed me in a tight hug while trying not to hurt me. "I'm glad you're okay," he murmured in my ear, and I smiled, a warm light filling my chest.

"Thanks," I said as we broke apart. I was surrounded by people asking me questions, offering to help me, telling me what had happened. I began to get overwhelmed, my breath getting shallower as my pain made it harder to breathe. My head was throbbing, and the people's faces were starting to get blurry.

"GIVE HER SOME SPACE, LADS!" Merida roared, running around me and warding people off. They immediately backed up, ceasing the noise.

"Thanks, Merida," I gasped, squeezing my eyes to clear away the spots. I regained my balance and my breath, and then Kida and Giselle began to help me inside while Pocahontas grabbed my things and Merida continued being my bodyguard.

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