Chapter 42

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I pulled my jacket closer around me as a chilly wind whipped across the yard. I hurried into the building, relieved to be in the warmth as I patted my hair down. "Lottie!" a comforting voice called. I met eyes with Tiana, who was smiling as she walked towards me. "Would ya like to walk with me to the Student Council meetin'? It starts in half an hour."

"Half an hour? Suga, you've got plenty of time! I'll meet you there, okay? I've got somethin' to check on," I bluffed with a sweet smile.

She nodded. "No problem. Love ya!"

I smiled until she was out of the building, shuffling her files furiously. My expression dropped, my cheeks aching. I was avoiding her, I knew it. I was still feeling guilty for taking advantage of her, all for Vanessa. It had been my mission to make sure she and Eric won Ice Royalty, but Tiana's sickness at the time had made it too easy for me. I couldn't look her in the eye still. I felt horrible. Sure, I had betrayed a lot of people on this traipse for the greater good, but doing it to Tiana felt even worse.

I shook myself out before heading up the elevator and down the hall. I hesitantly knocked on the door of my target dorm to hear an irritated, "What do you want?" from inside. I slowly opened the door and peeked my head in.

Vanessa was lying in her bed, surrounded by silk pillows. She was in grey sweats and a purple tank top. Her face was bare and her hair in a greasy bun. She didn't look normal, I barely recognized her. I don't think anyone had ever seen her like this. "Vanessa? Can I come in? It's Lottie."

"Ugh, Charlotte, what is it? I'm busy wallowing in my misery here," she groaned, stuffing her face into her pillow. I knew she was feeling self conscious about her looks, but I couldn't care less. I could tell she was hurting.

"I was wonderin' if I could do anything to help."

There was no response, so I took that as an annoyed invitation inside. I stepped forward into the mess of clothes on the floor and I shut the door. Vanessa did not move from her pillow cocoon. "Are you okay?" I asked her, standing awkwardly by her bed. I didn't know if I was allowed to sit or not.

She raised her empty face. "You idiot, do I look okay?" she snarled. There were dried tear streaks on her cheeks.

I did not flinch, but instead sat on her bed near her knees. "I'm sorry about your breakup. I really am."

She took a breath and flipped over to look at me. "Why do you even care?"

I averted my eyes. I didn't care to admit it, but I really did care. She seemed to be in a lot of pain. "You''re my friend. And I know how hard it is. I've had my fair share of breakups in my day, honey."

She looked away from me. "'re not my friend," she sighed. I was slightly taken aback.

"What?" I said, taken aback. Sure, we weren't besties, but I thought she considered all her cronies friends. Had my acting been that bad?

Vanessa shook her head. "I treat you like shit. I don't have any friends, Charlotte. Everyone hates me."

I bit my cheek. "No. No, they don't, suga. Sure, sometimes you can be a bit difficult, but people don't hate you. What about me and Marie and Drizella and Anastasia? We're your friends."

She didn't protest, but I assumed she didn't have enough energy to. She knew I was lying. "Why else would I be here to make you feel better, Vanessa?" I said, rubbing her shoulder consolingly.

She didn't answer. "You want somethin' from the cafe? I'll run down and get you a tea or whatnot. It'll help you feel better."

There was a small nod from the head of black hair. I gave her a small pat before standing up. "I'll be right back."

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