Chapter 47

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Alice, Peter, and I had decided to take a walk in a park after our early dinner. We stopped at the fountain in the center, shivering, and I could tell that the two of them were eager to keep moving. "You two continue on, I'll just be a few minutes. I would like to look at the fountain for a while," I said, waving away my friends. Peter looked down at Alice, shrugged, and then childishly smacked her arm while yelling "tag!" and sprinting away, Alice hot on his heels.

I laughed at them fondly and turned to observe the fountain. The water's spray cooled my face, and I closed my eyes in the peacefulness.

Suddenly, a voice was right next to me, speaking in elaborate French. My eyes snapped open and I looked to my left. An older man, about 40, was staring at me with shoulder-length curly black hair and the most ridiculous spiraled moustache I had ever seen. He was looking at me expectantly.

"Oh," I said with a realization. "I beg your pardon, I don't speak French."

"Ah, English? I speak English as well, mademoiselle. I just said that you had very pretty eyes," he said smoothly. He reached up to twirl his moustache, but my heart jolted. In place of his left hand was a steel hook.

I cleared my throat, trying to avert my eyes from the glinting metal. "Um, thank you, but I really must be returning to my friends," I said, shifting away uncomfortably and desperately scanning the park for Alice and Peter.

"Are you American?" he inquired, taking a menacing step forward.

"No, I'm British, but I really should be going," I said, the fear mounting in my voice as the man's face split into a sinister smirk. I finally spotted Dean Queen a ways away, and I began walking in her direction to get away from this creepy man.

I felt a sharp, cold tug on my wrist, and turned my head to see the man's hook latched onto me as he glared into my face, a hungry look in his eyes. "I just want to talk to you, mademoiselle."

Panic was rising in my chest, and I grasped at his hook, trying to release myself aa I cried, "No, please!"

"Hey! Let go of her," someone said, and the both of us looked to see the owner of the voice. Tinkerbell was stalking towards us, in all her 4'9" glory. Her face was red with anger as she stared down the Hooked Man.

"Oh, you have a pretty friend too!" he exclaimed, his face darkening down at Tink, who had balled her tiny fists.

"Let go of her, sir," she said darkly, not breaking her stare.

"I think -" the man said as he grabbed Tink's wrist with his free hand, but before he had time to enlighten us with his idea, Tink's knee flew between his legs and he released us both, a small scratch of blood being drawn from my wrist as his hook dragged away from me.

"Let's go!" Tink ordered, grabbing me by my other wrist and dragging me into the woodlands of the park, leaving the Hooked Man bowing in pain. We dove behind a bush, panting.

"You okay?" Tink asked, letting me go and then examining my bloodied cut.

I stared at her in awe, her nimble hands dancing over mine. "Why did you do that?" I finally asked.

She shrugged, dropping my arm. "Girls gotta stick together. That man had some real nerve."

"Thank you," I said genuinely, hoping she would look into my eyes. She did.

She shrugged again. "You're my friend. I know we're supposed to be fighting, but..."

I shook my head quickly. "I wish we weren't. I've forgiven you."

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