Chapter 32

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I skipped towards the theater for rehearsals, humming all the way. Things have been going wonderfully in my life at the moment. Yes, I had broken up with Edward, but we remained best friends. It felt like he was the only person who wasn't annoyed by me, and who liked me. I had a small amount of friends, and I felt especially comfortable with Edward.

I felt my shoulder accidentally bump into someone else's. "Oops! Sorry!" I said, turning to apologize. I suddenly felt blood rushing to my cheeks. My eyes widened at a face I hadn't seen for three weeks, and my heart soared. "Mulan!" I breathed, beaming.

She looked happy, but then her expression changed to someone who was uncomfortable. "Hey, Giselle!"

I wrapped her in an enthusiastic hug, the familiar smell of vanilla filling my nose. But she remained stiff and cold. I gave her a confused look. Why was she acting like this? "Are you okay?" I asked with concern.

She looked away. "Yeah, I just...have been thinking about what happened a few weeks ago." She was trying not to blush, and she wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Me too," I replied truthfully, trying not to let my excitement bubble up too much. "I mean...was it okay?"

Her eyes widened. "Yeah! No, it was, um, great. I was really happy. I told my friend Merida about it — I hope you don't mind—" I shook my head. Maybe she had been looking for relationship advice! "Um, I was just wondering...did you use me as a rebound?"

I furrowed my brows. "What?" I asked in confusion. I thought she had been as happy as I was that day. It had seemed like it.

"You had just broken up with Edward, and I just figured that you were using me as a rebound kinda," she explained, rubbing her arm.

My mouth dropped open. I would never even think of using Mulan for any reason! "No! No, Mulan, that's not what it was like. Not at all. I would never do that, okay?"

She nodded, starting to laugh it off. "So..." she started, blushing again and rubbing her arm. "You like me?"

I smiled, studying her face as if I wouldn't see her for a while.

"What?" she asked, and I could practically see a question mark forming above her face. She could never hide her feelings, and it's adorable. 

Not answering, I giggled and rose on my toes, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. "See you later, Mulan," I said quietly, smiling.

I turned on my toes and skipped back to the theater, my stomach twirling like a dancing ballerina.

I entered the dark theater with a big grin on my face. "Giselle!" Edward cried from the empty stage. Grease rehearsals didn't start for another hour, so we were using it along with Quasimodo and Esmeralda to practice our talent show act. "Oh, at last. Tell me, do you know if Kocoum is on the market?" he asked as I walked up the stairs.

I giggled, trying as hard as I could to get my mind off of Mulan. "No, he's dating Nakoma. Why?"

Edward huffed, dramatically blowing a tuft of his brown hair off his forehead. "It seems like all the hot guys are taken — except me, of course."

I pondered that for a moment. "What about Kuzco?" He was the only out gay person I could think of.

Edward rolled his eyes. "Please, Giselle. He is outrageously conceited, there's no way I could deal with that."

I laughed, but didn't point out his hypocrisy. We began practice, and soon Quasi and Esmeralda walked in and we split the stage with them. Edward and I ran our duet together, a song that we always sang to each other while we were dating, but I had a feeling that we were both thinking about a different person this time around.

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