Chapter 26

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Mulan burst into my room, beaming like a madman. "Merida!" she cried, running toward me and tackling me in a hug. I grimaced and wiggled my way out of her grasp.

"What is it, ya weirdo?" I asked, giving her an annoyed look for hugging me. I wasn't much of a touchy person.

"Guess," Mulan told me, bouncing on her toes and her eyes shining.

I studied her. "You cut your hair," I noticed.

She looked confused for a second before remembering and saying, "Oh, yeah, I did. But guess what else!"

I glared at her. I really wasn't in the mood to play this game, I had to leave. "You got a lovely new makeup pallet," I deadpanned, knowing full well that Mulan hated makeup. She rolled her eyes and scrunched her nose.

"No. You're being a real pain," Mulan told me, walking over to sit on Meg's bed. "Yesterday Giselle broke up with Edward."

"Where was she last night?" I asked, packing an apple in my bag. Mulan smiled even more. I gave her a wary look. "What happened, Mulan?"

"She came running to me! She immediately went to my dorm and I comforted her, and then she kissed me! Merida, she kissed me! And then she slept over! She left early in the morning —"

"Yeah, and woke me up," I muttered.

"And Kida and Pocahontas left before I woke up, so I don't know what they think. But I had to tell someone. Giselle kissed me!" she squealed, grabbing her short hair and falling back on the black bed.

I looked at her, an unconvinced look on my face. "Well, Mulan... Now look, Ay don't know much about relationships. The only one Ay've been in is with you, and we both know that wasn't for me. But it sounds like to me that Giselle is really... emotionally vulnerable right now. She might have just been using ye as a rebound, of sorts—" 

"What? But she turned to me, without a thought," Mulan said defensively, sitting up and staring at me with hurt. "That has to mean something, doesn't it?"

"That yer one of the only people that likes her?" I suggested, snorting at myself.

Mulan threw one of Meg's pillows at my face, which I barely caught. "You're being really mean today," she said grumpily.

"Ay'm just tryin' to tell ye the truth. And for yer information Ay was just leavin' before ye rudely interrupted me," I told her snootily, grabbing my quiver and my engraved bow. Mulan eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Ay'm gonna be in the talent show," I told her triumphantly, tilting up my chin.

"With... with your bow and arrows?"

I nodded, grinning. "Ay'm gonna shoot me some targets, show those bastards what I can do."

"Merida, I don't think that's such a good—"

There was a hesitant knock on the door, and I stuck my tongue out at Mulan before going to answer it.


I took a deep breath and raised my fist, hesitantly knocking on her door three times. It was immediately pulled open with force, making me jump a bit. But there Merida stood, her wild orange hair almost covering her entire face. Her eyes brightened and she moved a few strands from them. "Hiccup!" she said happily, grinning.

"Hey," I said cautiously, holding up the frappuccino I had brought. "Um, I brought you a frappuccino. Java chip. Your favorite."

"Thank you, Hiccup!" she said enthusiastically, taking it and engulfing me in a hug.

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