Chapter 37

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After Wendy and Peter left the dorm room, all that was left for me to do was wait. I did so patiently on my bed, scrolling through my phone. Alice eventually announced that she was going to take herself to a new movie, which took a lot of pressure off of me. I didn't have to think of a way to get her out of here.

About an hour passed. Finally, I heard the door begin to open. I sat up. It was either Peter or Wendy, and I knew exactly what my move would be for either of them.

It was Peter. He had opened the door with his spare key. He looked pathetic. His red hair flopped sadly onto his forehead and he was looking down, hands in his pockets.

I stood. "Peter?" I said, making my way slowly over to him.

He finally lifted his face. There were tears rolling down his freckled cheeks. "Oh, Peter, what happened?" I cried, running over to touch his shoulders.

"Tink..." he said sadly, leaning into me. I rubbed his arms comfortingly, leading him over to my bed to sit. "Wendy found out."

I looked at him, feigning confusion. "Found out what?" I asked him, taking one of his hands.

Peter locked eyes with me, wiping away his tears. "Tink, you have to promise me that you will never tell anyone. Me and Alice said we'd keep it to ourselves, I have no idea how it got out -"

"Peter!" I exclaimed, placing a hand to his cheek. "It's okay. Just tell me." I knew exactly what he was going to say, but this would lead me off the trail.

He sighed. "A month ago, Wendy made me and Alice go on an outing together, as friends. But Alice got a little carried away, and she accidentally kissed me. We said we wouldn't tell anyone including Wendy because it didn't matter."

My eyes widened. "How — how did she find out?" I stammered.

He shrugged. "I don't know. But now I don't think she'll forgive me."

I nodded. "I sort of have to agree. Especially since you didn't tell her right afterwards; it makes you guys look guilty. I mean...maybe it did matter?" I told him slyly. The way his facial expression changed, I knew I had him right where I needed.

I watched as my crush grew sadder and sadder. "You're right," he said quietly, almost in a whisper. A fresh set of tears emerged and he looked at me. "Tink, will I ever get her back?"

I pulled him into a tight hug, hoping he could smell Wendy's perfume on me. "I don't know....I'm here, I'm here."

"I can't....And I can't even turn to Alice, that's what started this all. Tink, you're all I have. I knew...I knew that you are the only one who I can count on. You're the best friend ever. I love you, Tink. Thank you."

I squeezed him harder. A beam enveloped my face at those three words. I knew they were platonic. But one day they wouldn't be. I kissed his ginger hair, rocking him back and forth. "I'm always here for you. I love you, Peter."


"Okay and five, six, seven, eight!" Rosetta called, clapping her hands. We were preparing for a pep rally that was going to happen next week.

Aurora stepped into mine and Anastasia's hands as we lifted her into the air. Rosetta continued to count for us as she straightened up as Marian spotted her, "One, two, three, four!" She put her arms up, grinning broadly. "And spin!"

Anastasia, Marian, and I bent our knees and gently tossed Aurora, who spun in the air. We successfully caught her, but she faltered, tipping forward. "Sorry!" she apologized as we helped her get down a little frantically. "That one's really hard to land."

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