Chapter 15

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"You idiot, you're wearing white! You'll stick out like a sore thumb," Nala said, hitting Dmitri. He looked down at his white t-shirt.

"I didn't know," Dmitri said, shrugging.

"Well, you won't be the champion," I said, laughing. "It's just between the four of us now." I gestured to Flynn, Tramp, and Nala, as well as myself.

Tramp gasped. "What if one of the little kids beat all of us?"

I laughed, but Flynn's face darkened. "I will not let that happen," he said in an evil voice.

We all chuckled, and then boarded the bus because none of us had a car.

We got off at a bus stop per Tramp's directions, so I wasn't completely sure if we were in the right place. But Tramp successfully used his phone's GPS and led us to the laser tag place, named Lazer Dayz. We walked in, laughing, and the parents and children waiting in the lobby looked at us. I stared down the small children, asserting my dominance before they even thought about beating me. We walked up to the front desk and each paid the separate fee of $20.

Then our group and some kids were led into a dark room by an employee, who looked about our age. "Welcome to Lazer Dayz. I will show an instructional video and then afterward you will get your vests and I will answer questions," he said dully, pointing a remote at one of the TVs and turned it on. A badly shot, cheesy video played, which my friends and I laughed at, not really paying attention.

Next, the employee let us choose our team vests. Nala and I had red, Dmitri and Tramp had green, Flynn got blue. I unlatched my laser gun and started fake shooting at Dmitri, who laughed and pretended to be wounded. I checked my ID number on the vest to so I could see what my score was afterward, and then the employee announced that we would be released into the arena in two minutes.

"You boys are going down," Nala said, tapping her gun against her hand menacingly.

"Oh yeah? I'm on my team alone and I will beat you all," Flynn boasted, pushing her.

She laughed, but I saw a couple of kids look in our direction, terrified. But one kid with a blue vest at Flynn's elbow piped up. "Yeah, you red, you're going down!"

I giggled. Flynn nudged him playfully and said, "That's right, little buddy. How about we partner up?" The little boy nodded happily, showing his lost front tooth.

I looked up at Dmitri, who seemed to be having a problem with his gun. "No, you have to put your hand under it, like this," I told him, moving his palm to the bottom of the gun. "Weren't you paying attention to the video?" I joked. We had, in fact, been whispering about how I was going to destroy him in his white shirt. He laughed. "You're really going to suck at this game," I said to him, smirking.

"All right, gamers!" the employee shouted, him and another teenager preparing to open the doors. "Get ready! GO!"

I raced into the arena next to Nala, being somewhat disoriented by the darkness. It was pitch black except there were black lights shining on the apparatuses, making them glow distractingly. "Let's find our base!" I shouted to Nala. There were already kids screaming in terror. She nodded and we dashed off, following the red glows, up a ramp and eventually reaching our protected base.

"I'm guarding it, you guys go!" some fierce red little girl shouted, pointing her gun. I laughed and nodded, running away. I lost Nala, but I didn't care. I was going to find the others and take them down.

I ran through the darkness, bumping into a small child once or twice (and shooting them afterward). I hid behind a glowing tube, pretty sure I had seen Tramp on the other side. I twirled around it, my gun lifted. "Aha!" I yelled, but I crashed into him, causing us to laugh. But I regained myself quickly and shot him easily on the shoulder, causing his gun to deactivate for ten seconds.

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