Prom Planning Pt.1

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Hyeonrin's POV

"Let's just hope for the best Hyeon.." Jihoon sighed as he sat beside me.

"I guess so" I sighed.

*bell rings*

"Finally, classes are about to start!" Euiwoong clasped his hands behind us.

"Why are you so estatic to have classes anyways?" Hyungseob scoffed.

"GUYS! BE QUIET! THE TEACHER'S COMING!" Our class president, Soori, announced as all the students returned to their seats and sat properly.

"Hmm... your awfully behaved today. Anyways, good morning. Today, I have an announcement." Our teacher smiled at us.

"These 3 weeks, the Senior Classes will plan and prepare for the school's...

ANNUAL PROM!" Our teacher exclaimed.

"Wah! Really?!! This is so exciting!!"

"I wonder who'll partner with me..."

"And also, you can choose your own dates this year." The teacher announced which made the whole class go wild.

"Yes!! I can partner up with that sophomore girl ♡♡"


"I bet Jihoon's going to ask his "wife♡""

"Oh My GOSH! ♡♡"

These are the thoughts that came out from our classmates' mouth.

"Hey! Everyone be quiet!!" The teacher exclaimed which settled the students down.

"So, I want responsible leaders for this planning so I need 5 volunteers" The teacher announced.

"Teacher! I want to be a leader" Hyungseob raised his hands.

"Okay. Secretary of the class, please take note of the names." The teacher said to Junri.

"Yes teacher." She smiled.

"Okay... 4 more volunteers please"

----After the choosing----

"So each leader will have 9 members... Leaders, you may choose the people you want to work with."

"Let's start with Hyungseob. Hyungseob please choose your members."

"Pfft obviously, I'll choose my bestfriends. I'll choose... Euiwoong, Seonho, Guanlin, Jihoon, Hyeonrin, Eunhye, Daewhi, Woojin, and Jinyoung." Hyungseob said.

"Woah. That's a lot of boys. Since you have many boys, you'll help in designing and decorating the gym." The teacher said to Hyungseob.

"W-wait. Teacher, the 9 of us are the only ones who'll do all of these?!" Eunhye exclaimed.

"Uhm... No, actually you'll be assisted by the college department" the teacher smiled at us.

"Wow. Really?" Seonho exclaimed.

"Yes. So, any questions or clarifications?" The teacher asked as we shook our heads.

"Oh. Okay. So, Group 1, you may proceed to the gym to talk about your design with the college department." The teacher said as we stood up and took our leave.

"Oh, I'm so excited to work with them!!" I exclaimed.

"Pfft. If we're grouped with them, we'll be finishing the job in less than a week." Hyungseob smirked.

"But... our working days won't be peaceful." Euiwoong sighed.

"Come on... how bad could it be?"

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