Prom Planning Pt.2

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Hyeonrin's POV

"So this is the sample picture that Hyungseob gave to me. This would be like our blueprint for our design" I said as I presented the picture to them.

"Oh. That's nice. I love it!" Daewhi exclaimed as he clasped his hands.

"So where's the list of the materials?" Jinyoung asked.

"It's here with me." Jihoon smiled.

"So? What are we waiting for? Let's go buy these!" Jinyoung exclaimed.

"W-wait. We can't carry all these stuff by ourselves. Plus, we don't have a car to bring all these, they're too many." Daewhi said worriedly. As Jihoon and Jinyoung grinned at each other.

"Uh-ehem! Have you forgotten that I have bodygaurds. Plus, I can tell mom that we need a transporation immediately." Jihoon crossed his arms.

"But we don't want to disturb your mom." I said worriedly.

Well, he can't just immediately tell his mom to bring a car... like boii, that's rude.

"It's okay babe. We have a driver,don't worry." He winked at me.

Ughh. Seriously?! He's making his move on me right now?! *mentally facepalms*

But to be honest, I kinda blushed due to the sudden affection he's showimg towards me.

"Ugh. Guys! Seriously!! I know that both of you are couples and all lovey dovey but please! Do it somewhere else!" Jinyoung scoffed.

"Well, okay... We now have the blueprints, the driver, transportation, now all we need is the signal from our leaders." Daewhi spoke up as he looked at us with a bright expression.

"Okay. Let's go. The sooner we finish this, the better!" Jinyoung grinned.


"Seobbie! Can we speak with you for a moment?" I spoke to Hyungseob who was busy helping with his sub team.

"Uhmm. Sure. What is it?" He smiled at us.

"Can we buy the materials now?" I asked as the four of us awkwardly scratched our heads.

"Uhm... Jisung-hyung and I were planning that we should all go together in buying the materials later on." Hyungseob smiled at us.

"Oh. So we'll buy later at dismissal?" Jihoon asked.

"Yeh. Sure. But Ms. Kim (our advidser) told us that we can all go home anytime. As long as we've done the blueprints... Which we already have." Hyungseob excitedly smiled at us.

"So... we get to go now???" Jinyoung excitedly asked.

"Uhm. No. Since we, all don't have trasportations yet. Not to mention the one for the materials..." He worriedly said.

"Don't worry, you all can come with us. I told mom to send us two vans for our transportation and one van for all of our materials." Jihoon grinned.

"Wow. That's kinda embarassing for your mom to do that" he awkwardly scratched his head.

"No. It's fine... It's for our prom anyways." Jihoon smiled.

"Attention. Everyone. I have some announcements!" Hyungseob clasped his hands to take all our attention.

"What?" Euiwoong asked as we all scooted closer so we can hear him.

"First of all, we would be having a little break first then all of us will go and buy the materials. No need to worry about the transportation, Jihoon's got it covered." Hyumgseob exclaimed which made everyone cheer.

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