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7:08pm, January 9th, 2018

" so simon, who's your friend?" holly grunted, her pale emerald eyes lingering on the big dark skinned man on the opposite side of the table at nandos. simon had invited her out for dinner, but didn't mention he'd be bringing his friend. the man smirked at her with his full lips from the other side of the table, shuffling the menu up to his face.

"this is my best mate, jj." simon stuttered, unaware how holly would react to him having another best friend. simon and holly met a few years ago through a mutal friend's party and ever since then they'd been best friends. but simon had never mentioned this jj.

"why didn't you tell me you were going to bring him along?" holly asked, with a bit of annoyance in her voice as she pulled off her black puffer jacket from her thin arms. jj looked up and stared at simon.

"yeah, simon, why didn't you say you were bring this lovely lady along." jj chuckled, placing the menu down. holly glared at him in disgust. she disliked being called lovely if they just met. holly's face flushed with red and jj chortled in response.

"honestly, i wasn't sure how both of you would react. i wanted it to be a surprise, i suppose." simon shrugged, signaling the waiter over. holly rolled her eyes and jj raised his eyebrows, focusing his gaze on holly. holly was pretty, with her long dark hair framing her heart shaped face, covered in freckles. she was wearing a white vans hoodie with dark jeans with small rips. jj was sporting a black bandana with a black shirt and grey joggers.

"hi, i would like to order a chicken and kale salad," holly told the waiter. jj chuckled, as if holly had just told a hilarious joke.

"a salad? jeez you need some meat on your bones." he cackled. holly glared at him. holly was thin, but she wasn't in the mood for chicken. simon knew that holly was secretly a major fast food junkie, but didn't say anything.

"piss off. if anything you need a salad." she hissed, pointing at his arms, which were rather big. jj only sneered and retorted," this is muscle, bitch." followed by a short cackle. holly's face blushed as she looked away from ksi's cheeky smile, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right.

" i'll have three chicken wings with the side of chips," jj said to waiter, "and chips for the lady," he added with a smirk. holly scowled at jj, about to say something until simon interrupted with his order.

"god damn simon, you're not going to do anything about him?" holly thought, shooting simon a look that he ignored. after simon turned around, his phone rung. simon's eyes darted down and a look of surprise formed on his face.

"guys, i need to take a call, i'll be back in ten." he told the two as he huffed up from the seat, leaving holly and jj alone.

for a minute, it was just awkward silence. holly tried to avoid talking to jj by looking at her phone, scrolling through twitter. a follow notification popped up, and when she tapped it, she saw someone called "KSIOlajidebt" had followed her. her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the amount of followers.

"god, more than million?" she smiled smugly to herself, knowing that she could brag to friends about this. but then, her eyes fell to the profile picture, that looked seemingly familiar.

"wait, is that," she looked closer, as she realized that profile picture matched the person sitting in front of her. her thick eyebrows furrowed as she saw jj grinning with his phone in his hand.

"holly weathers." he jested as he saw's holly lips form a frown.

"ola-dept" she stuttered, trying to sound tough, but it only resulted in jj chuckling.

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