Rewrite of some chapters together

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I'm just gonna say this right now that I absolutely positively love this song.
I'm mean Grant really made it awesome in The Flash ⚡️
It might not fit what the chapter is doing and all that stuff but I really like this song.

On to the story!

You woke up head pounding. It felt as though your heart was in your head.
You realize that you're in a dark and wet cell that didn't have any light to it.
Around you is the Luffy and the crew strewn around as if someone threw them in here without a care in the world.

In the darkest corner was grimy and disgusting toilet that shouldn't have ever been allowed. I'm mean really that thing is plain nasty if you didn't go by the smell coming out of it.
In another corner is a three small beds with the thinnest rag of a blanket you had ever seen. There were some red splotches that you didn't even want to find out where they came from.

The bars were close and compact so there was no way you could squeeze your hand through it if you tried.
They also seemed to be cracking with lightning. That definitely was a safety hazard...

On the other side of the obvious safety hazard Zoro's swords lay in a corner, relying new the wall to keep them standing. Your twin blades lay on a table that looked like it could be pushed over if a lead fell on it. A sea stone block (that's what it's called right?) sat next to it so you assumed that the whole cell was made of it.
'Looks like Luffy, Brooks, Zoro, and Robin aren't going to be able to help us with their devil fruit powers..' You thought gloomily which wasn't really helping the situation at hand.

A person clad in black slowly glides over to the cell and looms right in front of you. Your sitting at the moment but you could tell even if you were standing he would tower over you. Not saying you were short, or maybe you are, but you're somewhere along 5'5.
You couldn't see any features of the face or anything but you could tell by the bulk that it was a guy.
But like dang was he built. You only saw a glimpse of this dudes hand but you could tell that he would be able to crush your head without him even trying.

"You're awake? I thought for sure with the amount of poison I put you would still be under." His voice glides over you. It's slower then the average persons but not to slow as though it was annoying.

It was kind of nice to listen to it.

"Well I guess you were wrong! I'm awake they are not and the world is going to explode!" You exclaim sarcasm dripping in your voice.

He smirks and it ticks you off, "I honestly thought that a guy would wake up before any off the woman. You must be different."

"Okay... first of all who the heck do you think you are. You have no right to say anything. I just want to know why you kidnapped us. KIDNAPPING IS AGAINT THE LAW IF YOU DIDIN'T KNOW!" You shout that last part not really caring if you wake up the rest of the crew.

"You're pirates, you don't follow the law so you have NO ROOM TO BE TALKING. YOU TRASH SRE ALL THE SAME!!! YOU KILLED MY FATHER PREPARE TO DIE!!!" He screams blood murder and presses a button and a remote that you didn't notice before.

'Oh snap... that was a red button.' You though in half a second. Then next second you were in pain and screaming at the top of your lungs.

Lightning coursed through ever part of your body ripping parts of skin making blood spurt from the wounds. If felt like forever before he lifted his finger off the button.
Wires, that you didn't see before, retracted from your legs and you sag forward in pain.

"Do you like it? I think it's amazing! One of my favorite things in here!!" He clapped his hands like a child while his voice was filled with venom.

"What are you?! 56!" You scream at him, " It's obvious that we wouldn't have even been alive to kill your father dude!! And why would we ever want to?!" You screamed and then stoped because your body is still hurting from the pain. Every time you breath in you feel like there's fire in your chest trying to take the oxygen away from your leg lungs.

He sneered. "The fact that you think that matter is funny. Pirates are all in one group, so if one pirate kills my father you all committed the sin of killing him!"

'This dude is crazy!' You think.

"I'll see you and your friends later! Cheers!" He giggled and then walked out of the disgusting room.

"Ugh..." You groan as you move towards one of the cleaner walls so to can put you back on it.

Suddenly Zoro stars to stir and you smile as you feel heat in your face. Of course you push those feelings aside for now and worry about the situation at hand.

Wowza lookie lookie at this cookie!
An update indeed.

Hope you like I'm waiting to get my hair done at some persons house.
Let me tell you I hate having my hair done.

They always pull to hard and because I have social anxiety I don't say anything about it, even when they ask if I'm okay.

Well anyway I hope you like this chapter that I made on the fly. I should have another one out today but if not tomorrow.

I haven't reached 1,000 words yet but I'm getting there! Maybe I could write longer chapters!

We'll catch you in the flip flop!

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