0 | stepbrother

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see trailer on the slide ^^

- this book was written first

- If you have come from "Anastasia", please do not comment spoilers. Be mindful of others who have not read the story yet.

-You will come across dumb comments like "you should've read Anastasia first", but don't listen to them-they don't know what they're talking about. Like I said, this book was written FIRST. Like all books, this story comes with suspense THATS gonna confuse you, but like all plots of stories, your confusion will come with realization if you just continue reading. Love you guys!

follow me on instagram : @amarieauthor

before reading this
book, you must
read this page of warnings
and shit

[ if you guys want to
make me a cover or a
banner, please do. because
i seriously hate
my cover and i want
a new one lmao ]



all rights reserved
do not translate my story
without my permission
or rewrite it when
it does not belong to you

you will be confused
if you do not pay
attention to every single
word in this story, you
will end up confused.
if you have questions,
ask them.

this story contains
strong adult content,
mature scenes,
strong adult language
[ censored ]
drug use

the italian/spanish
is coming directly from
google translate.

i will try my best to edit
as accurate as


story information

story began : august 18, 2019
story ends : april 4th, 2020


about me

i love you all, and i thank you
all for choosing my book.
it means so much to me, all
the love, and all the joy you
guys give to me by showering
me with votes, and comments

i will probably say thank you
in every chapter, so get used to it.
it's just so hard to want to give you
guys the world for giving me so much
hope and support by choosing
my story.

if you guys ever need me
to give you advice on your book,
or if you need me to talk to you
so we can become friends - anything.
just let me know because you all
are my family and i love you.

also, i know i like JUST
finished stephano, but
i needed to start this project
before school, or otherwise
i probably would never start
it. so, you guys make sure
to keep pressuring
me to update.

anyways, i hope you enjoy
this story.



the pov's change after like chapter 3
It goes from 3rd person to 1st person.



let me know any feedback you
guys may have.

thank you so much for
choosing "stepbrother"
i hope you love the story
and support.

much love,
- xx lee

Stepbrother | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now