40 | anagapesis

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anagapesis [ ana•gape•sis ]
n. no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved


My eyes were on my father's face. The worst part was that I could still see the love behind his eyes. It was almost as if he didn't want to believe that I had betrayed him.

He took a step closer to me, but on instinct, I raised the gun in my hand towards him. My eyes were blurred with tears as I looked at my father-the only man who was ever truly there for me as a kid. My mind was racing with my heart, both of them trying to figure out who deserves first place.

"Orabella, I meant every word that I said. I love you, and you're the only person in my life that I've ever loved," he told me, a tear falling from his eye as he held up his hands.

Shaking my head, my own tears began to fall as I looked at him. "Why do you keep lying to me? Why does everyone just keep lying after lying? I don't even know what to believe anymore," I cried out.

My emotions were everywhere as I looked at him. The fact that I was so angry at myself added to the anger that I felt for Valentino. I was sad because there was no choice left for me anymore. I was guilty because Vincenzo deserves better than someone who acts like a child. I was scared because my baby was in my belly trying to undergo all of my stress. What made it all worse was the fact that I was pissed off at myself for sitting myself down in this situation. All of it was my fault. I trusted a man who couldn't be trusted.

"I've never lied to you-"

"Bullsh*t! Why did you name me Orabella? I swear to you that if you lie right to me at any given point, I will shoot you," I seethed out. It hurt my heart to say those words, but what hurt most was the fact that the only way to get truthful answers was through gunpoint.

"Orabella was the name of his," he said, nodding his head towards Valentino, "mother's unborn child. I named you after her because when you were first born, you looked so much like Agnella, their mother."

I noticed how he didn't look away, his eyes were right on mine. No matter how hard I tried to stop the whirlpool of emotions, tears were falling from my eyes. "That's not it, is it?" I asked him.

"Agnella was a woman that I loved, but she was with their father, Roberto. Roberto was my friend, and he knew that I showed interest in Agnella first. It angered me that he got the girl I wanted. At first, I was kept at bay, I could watch them together and not explode. Even with they had that boy, I still pretended to be happy. One day, I just couldn't help myself. She was looking so beautiful so I pulled her onto my lap.

"When she pulled away, crying to her boyfriend. It made me furious. I never felt angrier than I did that day. So, I let her go and I found Maria. Then, the news of her pregnancy got out. I thought I was over it, but I wasn't. Out of my fury, I went to their house when I knew that Roberto was away. I took her right in her kitchen directly in front of her son. Then, I had my men bet Roberto to death. I loved every second of it.

"When I learned of what she was planning on naming her daughter, I wanted it. I wanted everything Roberto had. I wanted his daughter, I wanted his wife, I wanted it all," he said.

I did a quick turn around to look at Valentino, but before I could turn back around, Sean had grabbed me. He held my body against his.

Quickly, I fired the gun before I gave him the chance to take it. He let out a loud groan before letting me go and grabbing a hold of his foot. "F*ck!" he shouted.

I held the gun at him once again. My arms and legs shaking in the midst of all the emotions trailing around in my heart.

"I'm not finished. I want to know about me. Why were you hiding behind this act," I said disgustedly, "Was it all fake? Was everything that you've ever told me all a lie?"

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