37 | finifugal

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finifugal [ fin•if•ug•al ]
adj. hating endings; of someone who tries to avoid or prolong the final moments of a story, relationship, or some other journey


I waited about an hour after Vincenzo had fallen sleep. It was almost impossible to calm my breathing as if I were sleeping when I couldn't stop thinking about the mission at hand. Finally, he had happened to go to sleep with one hand on my boob and the other around my waist. This position was actually a lot more newer than any other before it.

Slowly, I grabbed my pillow and slipped it where I had been. I could feel his hand that was cupping my breast, give it a little squeeze. Biting down on my lip, I resisted the urge to squeal. It had taken me by surprise, but it didn't surprise me that he was so grabby in his sleep.

When I succeeded with switching out my body for the pillow, I turned around to look at his sleeping figure. He looked absolutely angelic, even with all of the tattoos that littered his skin. It took me by surprise how beautiful this man could look without even trying.

Tip-toeing out of the room, I made it out before walking down the stairs. Valentino looked impatient as ever as he waited for me. Walking right past him, I opened up the front door and walked out of his gigantic house. There was already a taxi cab waiting right outside for me. Instead of it being a regular taxi man, the man resembled more of Incredible Hulk dressed as a foreign taxi man.

"You remember the plan, right?" he asked. I nodded my head before going towards the taxi cab. When I was attempting to walk towards the vehicle, Valentino grabbed ahold of my arm. Turning towards him, my eyebrows rose in question.

"You're forgetting something, princess," Valentino said before holding up the burner phone. I completely had forgotten about the phone that I was supposed to use to call him ten minutes before I disabled the security system.

I grabbed the phone from him before getting into the back of the taxicab. The man didn't say a word to me as he drove off down the road. I had been nervous all day as I thought about this mission. Now that I'm actually doing it, I felt empty. The only thing I could think about is how pissed Vincenzo would be if he knew what I was about to do.

"Hey, man, can you play some music or something?" I asked him. He looked at me through the rearview mirror before rolling his eyes. I watched as he reached over and Kidz Bop began to play on the radio. At first, I had thought he was going to change it, but he left it on.

"You think you're so funny, huh?" I questioned. This caused a small laugh to ease out of him as he reached over and changed the station. Narrowing my eyes at the random man, I shook my head.

My eyes turned to look out of the window, but soon my eyes grew heavier. It made it challenging to keep them open as my eyes shut and sleep overcame me.


"Wake up, we're here," the man said. I woke up, wiping the drool from the corner of my mouth before looking over at the man. His brow was raised before he nodded in the direction of some store. I didn't exactly remember Valentino saying that he was going to leave me at a store, but I got out anyway.

The taxi cab driver drove off down the street, ignoring the people who were waving their hands trying to score a taxi. I turned around, looking around the street. It has been quite a while since I walked the streets of this place.

The last time that I had done this, I was about eight years old. My father had taken me to downtown New York for Christmas so that we could see the lights. To think, I was the happiest little girl in all of New York. My father used to tell me all about the happiness that life had to offer. What he didn't tell me about was the fact that he was the darkest life had to offer.

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