11 | balter

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Balter [ Bal-ter ]
v. To dance artlessly, without particular grace or skill but usually with enjoyment.

"You cant make me regret anything, mia bella," he spoke as his mind preoccupied itself with other things like my shirtless body. I placed either knee on the sides of his body; leaving him in eye-level view of my breast. [ my beautiful ]

His hands automatically reached out to touched me, but I placed them right back on the bed. I wasn't exactly sure what I planned on doing, my first instinct was to not let the embarrassment shoot me down once again.

"I can't touch you now?" He asked, looking into my eyes before glancing down at my lips. I wanted to say yes, and that the throbbing in my lower region would not go away unless he did. The fact that I wanted to lay down and let him do just that wouldn't compel me to say anything else.

For some reason, my mind won the battle over my lust as I finally gathered enough strength to say the word, "no."

Instead of listening to me, he brought his hand up again, leaving me to grab ahold of it. All too quickly, he grabbed my hand along with my other one, placing both of my fists into his one hand and behind my back. No matter how hard I tried to pull away, his strength tripled it.

With his free hand, he brought his hand to my butt through the thin fabric of my panties. I tried to pull my hands away from him again, but he wasn't budging. Instead, his hand wandered up to my breast where he cupped it before trailing up to my cheek.

He stared into my eyes for a second, then he pulled me closer to him just as his lips came down to capture mine. The feeling in my lower region returned; the throbbing of need. His heat that radiated off of his shirtless body made it even more impossible to resist the desire. All I really needed right now was him, and it's exactly what I had even though my body wanted more.

Once again, I try my best to yank my hands from his strong grip; it does absolutely nothing, but break the kiss.

"I see you aren't enjoying the situation you've gotten yourself in to," he teases, looking into my eyes. A sudden sense of boldness and urgency washed over me as I pressed myself down into his lap feeling his erection through my panties.

All he did was watch me as I began to slowly move against him. His eyes seemed to darken as he looked at me before flipping us over. He let go of my hands briefly before scooping them up and hanging them right above my head.

"You seem to want something, Bella. What do you want from me?" He asked moving up my body to my neck where he began to kiss on my skin in the most enjoyable way. My legs nearly wrapped themselves around him just so he wouldn't leave.

"I don't know," I answered not wanting him to stop once again. Just then, the realization hit of how I was supposed to make him regret what he did, this was not helping.

Attempting to pull my arms away once again, he slowly sucked on the skin of my neck which sent a jolt of electrifying pleasure straight to my core. My breathing grew heavy all of the sudden, and I know that he noticed.

"Your wish is my command, Bella. If you want something. . . Ask," he paused as he lightly trailed his free hand down to the waistband of my underwear, "for," he continued just as his lips grazed my jawline, "it," finally, his lust-filled eyes met mine.

I didn't speak as his hand crawled into my underwear, and his fingers lightly touched my clit. All I could do was stare into his eyes. "Ask," he stated once again as his finger plunged inside of me.

A moan ripped out of me all too suddenly as my back arched. Everything inside of me wanted to-I needed him.

He added a second finger, staring right into my eyes. Every single time I tried to look away, he'd stop all of his actions causing the want to whimper settle within me.

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