9 | sphallolalia

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sphallolalia [ sphal-lo-la-lia ]
n. a flirtatious talk that leads no where

My eyes wandered over to Vincenzo. He was there scribbling down some notes before the big final exam. It was odd seeing him this way due to the fact that I never would've guessed he'd take school so seriously.

The second he looked up from the paper to look at me, I quickly looked away and back at the front. My hand moved to grab ahold of the pencil before placing it in my bag seeing how the period was about to end. Just as I zipped my bag back up, the bell signaled off allowing us to finally be free from this hell for about an hour to go to lunch.

Vincenzo grabbed ahold of my bag before I had a chance to get it, and waited for me to get up.

"Have a good rest of your day! Don't forget we have our final assessment tomorrow," our teacher, Mrs. Parker, had shouted out just as we were walking out the room. History was most definitely not my best subject, but based on my observations, Vincenzo loved it.

"Now, we have lunch," I tell him just as we passed by her still shouting out reminders that everyone will only ignore. As we walked into the hallway, the chatter of high school students only seemed to get louder as more piled in.

I was walking with Vincenzo by my side as we made our way towards the cafeteria. "How old are you exactly?" I asked Vincenzo the question that's been nagging at my brain all day.

He looked down at me with a smirk, "24." My eyebrows raised up as I believe my jaw slightly dropped. He's in high school at the age of twenty-four. Is it really absolutely necessary for him to be here?

"That's seven years. You are seven years older than me. Actually, you are around seven years or more older than everyone here," I tell him with scrunched eyebrows. He shrugs with a grin playing out on his lips before pushing open the cafeteria door for me.

"It's six years, actually," he said raising a brow followed by a smirk.

"How did you even manage to get into this school?" I asked him the other question that's been nagging at my brain all day, completely ignoring his previous statement.

"I told you already. Angelo got me in the minute you said you wanted to go to school. Something you should know about us, Bella, there's a lot we can get done. There's a lot that I can get done for you," he whispers in my ear before using the pad of his thumb to drag down my lip.

I stare into his eyes for a moment before realizing that I'm absolutely starving. Looking away, my eyes search for my friends. It didn't take long to find them; seeing as they always sit at our table that was directly in the center of the cafeteria. I grabbed Vincenzo's wrist, and walked him toward the table.

"Hey guys," I said, waving at Kennidy, Julissa, Harold, and Antonio. Antonio smiled at me before getting up and doing a bro hug with Vincenzo. Harold got up and gave me a hug before doing the same gesture Antonio did to him. Kennidy just smiled happily and replied with a small 'hello', Julissa doing the same.

I sat down right beside Kennidy with Vincenzo following right beside me. "So, we were just talking about a party this weekend. Seeing as it is finally the last week of high school, we wanted to do something spectacular," Kennidy spoke enthusiastically. One thing about Kennidy is that she loved to party. If you mention a party to her, you must follow through with it because she will go crazy if you don't.

I looked over at Vincenzo to see he was already looking at me. He had that look in his eyes as if to say that I couldn't go, and I believed it. I'm sure by the time that the weekend comes around, he may end up being convinced to let me go.

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