19 | tacenda

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Tacenda [ ta•cen•da ]
n. things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence.


The minute we made it to her room, I noticed how almost everything was blue. It added to her personality of color; kindness. The color just seemed to fit her so easily and delicately that it didn't allow me to second guess the reasonings behind it.

I sat down in a fluffy blue chair in her room as she walked over to turn on a radio. It didn't take long for music to softly play before she walked over to her bed.

"This room is a lot better than what most of the girls get here. You see, I'm the only one of us girls that actually lives here. The others all go home to their families and whatnot. As for the ones who do the other business, they get their own rooms in the underground," she explained to me. My eyes moved away from the interior of the room to look at her.

"So, Sarah was right. You are the favorite?" I laughed teasingly at her. She rolled her eyes, a smile playing out on her lips before grabbing a pillow and throwing it at me.

"I'm not the favorite. You're the favorite, I mean, you do get to live here with no cost. I still have to pay my part of the rent even though this house is completely bought and paid for," she laughed. The thought of her paying to live here made me laugh so hard. It seemed unnecessary, but then again, there is still bills.

My eyes trailed over to her open closet. It looked like a closet that belonged to Victoria's Secret itself. The amount of lingeries in there was absolutely astounding. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Her eyes followed mine towards the closet. She got up and walked towards it before turning on the light. Immediately, the lingeries inside of her walk-in closet began to get some color.

"What's it like?" I asked without stopping myself. I've always wondered, but it wasn't my intention to offend her. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that," I told her, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"It's fine, really. I understand," she spoke before grabbing one of her yellow lingeries and holding it against her.

"It's like you become a completely different person. All of your insecurities and pain seem to just vanish. Barbie, she's confident and fun. She's everything I wanted to be as me, if that makes sense. That's why, some days, I don't mind walking on the stage and being a 'whore' as these men call it. At least I'm closer to being the person I've always wanted to be," she explained to me, thinking thoughtfully.

As I stared down at the yellow lingerie all I could do was imagine becoming someone else; feeling sexier. She looked at me with a knowing smirk before handing the lingerie over to me. "I haven't worn this one quite yet. Why don't you just keep it?" She asked me.

I accepted it, staring down at the sexy piece of clothing. "If I were a stripper, what would my name be?" I asked her. She looked at me with a surprised expression on her face before laughing. I laughed with her at the randomness of my question also.

"Roxy. That way the announcer can say," she began before standing up on the bed and grabbing a perfume bottle as a microphone, "now, what you men have been waiting for-Roxy Coxy!" She spoke out in a deep voice.

I laughed so hard, clutching my stomach as my head tilted back. She collapsed on the bed, laughing as well.

Just then, the door opened. Vincenzo walked in, his eyes darting towards the lingerie in my hand, then the laughing Anastasia on her bed. As soon as she realized he was in her room, she quickly stopped laughing and hand her head down. I watched as she sat up on her bed before muttering, "Don."

He completely ignored her before looking directly at me. "I went back to your room to get you food, and you were gone. I've been looking for you ever since," he said before walking up towards me.

I looked over at Anastasia to see that she hadn't even bothered to look up. Getting up, I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her in a hug. "Thank you for this morning," I whispered before walking over to Vincenzo.

His jaw was tightly clenched before he walked out of the room leaving me to follow. He looked upset about something.

He didn't say anything to me until we made it up the stairs. If I were a dog, my tail would be in-between my legs. I was beginning to open up my bedroom door, but he grabbed me and pushed me inside of his.

The second we made it inside, he snatched the lingerie from my hands and threw it somewhere in his room. "What? You wanna strip now, is that it, Orabella?" He asked me, his eyes narrowing in anger.

"No. I-I," I began, but I didn't exactly know how to answer him.

"Strip, then," he ordered me.

"No," I said before I could even stop myself. He scoffed, sitting down on his bed before rubbing his fingertips against the bridge of his nose.

"Get out," he said softly. Confusion dawned itself on my features. This was happening all too randomly suddenly. I didn't exactly know what I did wrong to had caused such a reaction out of him.

"No. Is it because I wasn't there when you got back? I'm sorry, okay? I thought you went to work or something, but is it really something to make you act like this?" I asked him, growing kind of upset myself.

He looked up at me with that same pissed off expression. "I don't give a fu*k about you not being there."

"Then-," I began, but was then cut off.

"What I do give a fu*k about is you venturing off to my brothers club, then I go looking for you only to see you playing stripper with one of them. You want to be Roxy so damn bad, then be her," he explained.

"You're acting childish. It's kind of hypocritical," I told him before walking over, bending down to pick up the lingerie. Just as I was beginning to get up, he was up in a heartbeat as his hands outstretched to grab ahold of my hips.

He placed his hand at the small of my back, keeping me in place. His other hand was on my hip, holding me right against him.

"How exactly am I being hypocritical, tesoro?" He asked me. I couldn't deny the puddle occurring between my legs at the sound of his deep voice. [ treasure ]

I moved to get up once again, but he wasn't having it. "You were just telling me yesterday to discuss the problem, now you're avoiding it by this."

He chuckled before moving to push down my shorts. His hand creeping down to the waistband of my panties. "What's this, exactly?" He tested

"Can I get up?" I asked despite my core begging not to. It happened way too quickly. His hand that was on the small of my back moved, and my body was lifted off the ground as he spun me around and wrapped my legs around him. The second my back made contact with the wall I knew that we were about to sin.

"You're up," he whispered before his lips made contact with my neck. I bit down on my lip to keep myself from moaning as his hardening length began to rub against me.

His hands found the hem of my shirt where he lifted it up and off of my head. He looked proud as he stared down at my braless figure. Seconds later, his lips found mine leaving me to moan against them.

He walked us over to the bed where he slowly dropped me down onto it. I watched him as he broke the kiss and took off his shirt. My eyes wandered up his body, staring at his abs and every single tattoo his body had to show.

When his body heat engulfed my entire body again, his lips kissed down on my neck, past the valley of my boobs, to my stomach where he paused at the waistband of my underwear. He slowly pushed it down, allowing me to show every ounce of my body.

"I've never done this before," I told him. He paused, biting down on his lip.

"I'll stop," he said before attempting to pull away, but I quickly grabbed ahold of his hand.

"I want to," I whispered.

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