8 | viridity

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viridity [vir-i-dity]
n. naïve innocence

I can recall the amount of excitement I felt when he said the words of, "you're next". Disappointment settled in my bones at the realization that I actually wanted to be next. I wanted to be teased and played with like a game. It left a feeling of want within me.

I hate it. He's my psycho stepbrother, and I'm fantasizing about what it would be like to be with him. Maybe I'm just as crazy as he is.

Finally, the car came to a halt. My eyes looked out at the building in front of me to realize it was nothing other than the hell I call my high school. I had completely forgotten about it being my last week of school. With everything that's been going on lately, it faded from my memory. Then, the remembrance of when I asked Angelo if I could attend school for the last week came to mind.

I looked over at Vincenzo to see his eyes already on me. Watching as he turned the car off before opening the door, it caused a knock of wonder to come echoing through my brain.

"What are you doing?" I asked the moment he came over to my side of the vehicle to open my door. He raised a brow before stretching out his hand for me to take. Placing my hand onto his, he helped me out of his car.

I must've been correct about his car being a really nice one because everyone couldn't keep their eyes off of it. The green interior with the black exterior seemed to draw a lot of attention. Not only that, but the green rims only added to the amount of eyes that looked over the vehicle.

"We're going to school," he muttered before throwing his arm over my shoulders and locking the car door after closing it. My eyebrows knit together in confusion as we began walking towards the front door.

"No. How? Vincenzo, what?" I asked. He chuckled at me slightly, as if my confusion was a joke. This didn't make any sense. It's the last week of school. A week I could've actually looked forward to not seeing him, my mother, or Angelo.

"Angelo took care of it when you supposedly went into his office to ask if you could attend school. He wanted to make sure I could protect you because once the news gets out about you becoming apart of the family- you'll see," Vincenzo explained. This only drew more confusion. I wanted more answers. In fact, I wanted every single question that I have to be answered. All of the mystery seemed unnecessary if they would just tell me the truth.

Once we were in the building, Vincenzo removed his arm from around me and began to walk towards the front office. Taking that as my cue to get away, I quickly walked towards my locker.

I put in the combination as I waited to hear the satisfying click that meant it was unlocked. Grabbing ahold of the history book to my first period almost made me want to cry. It was the period that I was called down to the office where they informed me of my father's passing.

"Orabella! Oh my god, you're here! I haven't heard from you in a while. How have you been, babe?" A friend of mine, Julissa, had asked. I sent her a smile before placing the history book in my arms.

"I've been okay. I'm sorry for disappearing. It's just that I've been dealing with a lot," I explain before shutting my locker closed. She gives me a smile full of pity and sadness.

Watching as her eyes look down at my book, she frowns. "It's the last week of school, Orabella. I get the feeling we won't be needing those anymore."

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