6 | recherche

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recherche [re-cher-che]
adj. carefully chosen, rare, or exotic

What is wrong with me? The minute I stepped a foot away from that room I began to almost pull my hair out in frustration. The darkness of the sky, the room, and the people in this house are just overwhelming me. It's too much.

The fact that I could say such things-do such things. This isn't like me at all. Maybe I was acting out in anger because deep down I know I wouldn't do something like that. Something so evil. Andre was a cruel person, but my father has always taught me to never stoop down to someone's level. If you're above them, it wouldn't make sense to crouch down and make myself their step stool.

Vincenzo was walking me to my room. I had literally no sense of direction in this stupid house. What sucked is always making sure I was either walking behind him, or beside him due to his eyes that would always find their way glued to my butt.

After we were directly in front of the door, I quickly rushed to open it, but his hand caught onto my wrist. "I feel like this is the part you kiss me goodbye."

"N-no," I try to say. Immediately, I wanted to scold myself for returning to my fearfulness. The splurge of confidence I had seemed to go away in an instant. He chuckled, showing off a sight I never thought I would see. His pearly white teeth was probably the most sexiest thing ever. Turning back around to hurry into my room, he grabbed me again. Only this time, his hand turned me around by my waist.

"Wait-," he began to tell me.

"How did you get that girl to do exactly what you wanted? She's the girl Andre cheated on me with, right? Why would you bring her here?" I asked, finally asking the questions that have been on my mind since I walked into that room.

"Her family, Orabella. To answer your other questions, yes because I didn't want one of your worst memories to be of her and him together. When you think of that moment, you will also think of her being the one to chop off his nuts," he smiled at me. I bit my lip in thought.in a weird, psycho kind of way he was just trying to be kind and caring. It almost made me smile.

Nodding my head, I moved to turn around again, but he moved closer to me, trapping me between his body and the door. His eyes were locked on mine before they trailed down to my lips. He began to move closer, and I couldn't bring myself to move away. It wasn't until I could feel his lips on mine that the realization of what is happening came to me.

I'm not going to lie, he was a great kisser. The way his lips moved against mine was just enchanting. It wasn't until I felt his hand stoop down to my squeeze my as* that my mouth opened for him.

"Kiss me back," he breathed against my lips. I shook my head no causing him to stop all his movements and just look at me.

"Permission to say an observation, Oral?" he asked. My eyebrows knit together at the name I could've sworn he called me.

"What did you just say?" I asked just to make sure. He gave me the same expression, looking at me like I was an idiot.

"Permission to say an observation, Orabella?" he asked again, but made sure to speak slowly.

Nodding my head, I just pretended that it never happened. "I can feel how wet you are through your pants," he stated. A blush formed on my face as I looked down. His hand dived down to feel, but were trapped by my thighs.

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