42 | jayus

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jayus [ jay•us ]
n. a joke so unfunny and poorly told that you can't help but laugh

- v i n c e n z o -

The second I made it to the house, I hurriedly made my way towards the medical section of the place. The second I pushed past the doors, there was already a nurse waiting for me.

"The doctor will be with you very shortly," the nurse said, walking me towards the waiting room. I sat down on one of the chairs as she began to walk away.

Frustratingly, I ran my hand through my hair as the images of Bella kept playing out in my head. It was the moment that I saw the man with the gun. He was aiming right at her and if she hadn't been so distracted with my brother, she would've seen it. If only I had paid closer attention and realized that she was too determined and stubborn. I could've stopped her if I had just woken up.

As I sat there rehearsing everything that led up to this moment, I remembered that Valentino only makes information known when he wants it to be known. From the second she found out the truth about her father to even the point her mother that showed up at the mall. It was all planned.

It would explain why he never truly cared about her finding out about her father in Angelo's office. He set the entire thing up. I could remember the day when Valentino and his biological father, Angelo, had decided that the mafia would look best if I had a wife. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, they kept shoving different women down my throat.

It wasn't until they showed me, my girl. I didn't know that she was an Ivanov at the time, but even from the image, I could see that she was perfect. Even if she wasn't perfect, her flaws seemed flawless in my eyes. What I didn't realize was that she was some mission. A murder in the making of one of Valentinos' plans to feel better about himself.

When I had said that I was interested in her, his eyes lit up like a lightbulb flickered on his head. For months he was probably coming up with this way to hurt them. For months he was strumming up this plan of making her feel guilty for everything that happened. For months he was preparing to manipulate her, and use her. He probably never anticipated that everyone in the house would love her, or that she would end up pregnant by his very own brother. He assumed she would be just like Sean-a selfish a*s.

Kicking a chair, I began to pace the waiting room. Angry that I couldn't figure all of this out sooner, upset that I was probably losing my baby and the love of my life all at once. It hurt me that it was my own brother that caused it.

The waiting room barged open as that blonde stripper girl looked at me. There were tears in her eyes. Then, the cook appeared behind her. She looked as though she had been crying as well.

"Did you get any updates on Bella, or-or maybe the baby?" The stripper asked. Rolling my eyes I walked past them and out of the waiting room. I couldn't deal with their sappiness.

The stripper didn't say anything as I walked out of the medical room. Walking up the stairs, I made it to our room where I just immediately entered the bathroom. Once I had turned on the shower, I took off my clothes just before turning on the hottest water I could possibly get.

From the second I got in, I began to break down. My forehead leaned against the wall as my arms came up above my head. Images of holding her bleeding head against my lap were on replay. Remembering the last words she had ever spoken to me kept constantly relapsing in my mind. I didn't know how I could ever be okay with knowing that there was something I could have possibly done to stop what happened to both my baby and to her.

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