35 | tarantism

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tarantism [ ta•rant•ism ]
n. overcoming melancholy by dancing; the uncontrollable urge to dance

He looks absolutely pissed off, and it causes me to shrivel up in nervousness. I didn't know if he heard the plan or not. Knowing him, he could be angry at almost anything I did from when I woke up and now.

"What were you doing in there?" He asked, pointing towards Valentino's office. I looked back at the door innocently before looking over at him. "Please tell me you weren't snooping around again. Valentino doesn't like people in his being nosy, he'll be pissed."

"No, I wasn't snooping. I'm done with all of that. In fact, Valentino is actually in there. I wanted to discuss my name changing with him, so I could get the proper documentation is all," I said, smiling as a lie just slid from my teeth. It hurt me to lie to him, especially since I've been honest up until this point.

He deserved to know, but I promised Valentino that I wouldn't tell. It didn't exactly help that Valentino was a mob boss which meant that he was really big on someone keeping their word.

"I was going to get you the papers," Vincenzo stated. With a smile, I realized how lucky I was. He had such a beautiful personality underneath the exterior of a ruthless killer. All the tattoos, the stone cold look on his face, and the 'don't cross me' vibes seemed to just scare people away. Actually, scare people away from the gentlemen he was at heart.

"Valentino didn't have any so it was honestly a waste of time," I said. It wasn't too much of a lie seeing as he actually didn't have any documentation for a name change. The guilt I felt still resonated deep inside of me.

"Why couldn't you just had woken me up, or waited until I had woke up?" He asked, quizzing me.

"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed," I answered truthfully. He was grilling me, and it was making me nothing short of nervous.

Just in time, Valentino walked out of his office. He looked at me before looking over at Vincenzo. "Brother," Valentino greeted him with a smirk before nodding his head towards a different direction.

"We'll talk about this later," Vince stated before walking off with his brother right behind him, and his hands in his pocket, whispering a tune.

With a sigh, I made my way back to the kitchen. Sarah was still in there making more of the bread. Anastasia was even in there, but she was singing a song as Sarah ignored her completely.

"Hey," I chirped as I walked into the kitchen. Sarah quickly turned towards me, smiling lightly. As soon as I walked in, Anastasia was pulling me towards her body in an embrace.

"Be careful, okay?" she whispered in my ear. Just before she could pull away, I held her tighter.

"Should I trust his word?" I ask her. Anastasia is the only person in the world who has to constantly be around Valentino. It doesn't surprise me that she knows.

"One thing Valentino is-is a man of his word," she says. Smiling, I pulled away only to be met with a very confused Sarah. She had walked up at us with a raised brow as if she wanted to know what we were talking about. I knew what it felt like to feel left out, but I didn't feel as though this was information for her to know.

"So are you going to tell me or what?" She asked rudely, looking directly at me. Once again, she was being cruel only towards me.

"Orabella was telling me that she likes my body against her because it feels real good," Anastasia spoke, making my mouth widen as I processed to her words. Sarah's cheeks tinted a pink color as she looked away.

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