13 | agape

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Agape [ a•gape ]
n. The highest form of love. Selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional love; persists no matter the circumstance.


"What do you mean?" I had asked her as once again my puzzlement found its way onto my features. She glanced at me for a second, she probably didn't suspect I had heard the speech she was making with herself.

"I've never seen him. When I was hired, it was all Angelo's doing. Mr. Rossi always contained himself elsewhere. He was either on his floor, at his other house, or working. Maids or even Angelo himself would come down and expect his food to be ready so they could bring it up to him, but never Mr. Rossi," she explained as she continued cooking.

"That's strange," I muttered before my mind replayed her previous words in my head, "you said he was scarier, how so? Especially since moments ago he wasn't doing anything scary at all."

Sarah chuckled before walking over to me. She pulled herself onto the counter before looking at me square in the eye. "You sure do ask a lot of questions," she laughed out.

Shrugging, I raised a brow, waiting for her to answer the question. My eyes followed her movements as she moved to slide her elastic from the silky strands of her blonde ponytail. Her hair had fallen in a cute bob.

"All of the maids, strippers, hookers, the temporary women who come down here for food-they all say the same thing, he's like the devil and you feel it the moment he's two feet away from you," she explained.

"Maids, strippers, hookers?" I asked wanting her to carry on.

"Yeah, the maids, strippers, hookers, they all live here. It's not normal for them to come ask me to cook for them, but when they do, it's always great to talk to them about what I'm not allowed to see. Don't get me wrong, they don't sleep with Mr. Rossi, they don't even see him unless they sleep with Angelo and just so happen to catch a glance," she explained.

"Where are they?" I ask her. She hops off of the counter before walking back over to the pot of food she was creating. Her eyes caught mine before she returned to making the deliciously smelling meal.

"The underground floor. There are four floors in this building, but I'm sure you only know of three. I've never been down there, but based on the way they describe, it's either fun or hell," she said.

My mind put things together as she explained them to me. I'm grateful that she happened to be the only person in this house that actually explained things to me.

I watched her as she turned off the stove's burner and grabbed a plate. She skillfully placed the food on it before placing the dish right in front of me. The Chicken Alfredo looked absolutely scrumptious.

"I only put a little bit, it's just something to tie you over until your dinner," she told me, giving me a kind smile.

I immediately dug in, almost moaning at the delight of the food. They did no wrong in hiring her.

Just then a girl walks in, her long blonde tight curls cascading down her back moving as she walked. She was wearing a tight-fitted crop top with short blue jean shorts. Her heels looked to be as high as anything I've ever seen before.

"Sarah!" She exclaimed before walking over to the cook and embracing her in an embrace which Sarah returned.

"Anastasia!" Sarah returned the greeting.

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