30 | halcyon

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halcyon [ hal•cyon ]
adj. calm and peaceful; happy, prosperous


"Where's Vincenzo?" I asked Valentino the moment I walked in. He was too busy staring at Anastasia that he didn't pay me any mind.

"Here's an idea, princess," he said, finally averting his dangerously cool eyes to me before taking a step towards me, "How about you go look like a big girl?"

Rolling my eyes, I began to walk up the stairs just before he grabbed ahold of my wrist and harshly yanked me towards him. "Call it an intuition, but you should go get tested. I know he will knock you up sooner or later," he whispered in my ear.

Snatching myself from his hold, I glared at him up at him. I wish he could feel the exact amount of hatred that was coursing through me. "I'm. not. pregnant," I told him before continuing back up the stairs.

As soon as I made it to Vincenzo's room, I knocked on the door all-the-while tapping my foot impatiently. Just as he opened the door, I pushed right past him and ran into his restroom. The ice cream I had just eaten flowed out of me like a waterfall. My stomach hurt from all of the puke, and it didn't help that my head was pounding.

When I finished, I leaned back against the wall and just held my head in my hands. I could feel Vincenzo's eyes on me the entire time. To confirm my suspicions, I looked up to see him leaning against the door frame.

"Are you sick?" He asked, concern edged in every word that left his lips. When I shook my head, I could hear him coming closer before he grabbed ahold of my waist to help me up. "Have you still been taking the birth contr-"

"You always tell me to talk to you before lashing out. I hate dishonesty, especially since I have been nothing, but honest to you. What are you keeping from me? I want to know everything," I seethed out before walking over to the sink and rinsing out that disgusting taste with water and mouth wash.

"What are you talking about?" he asked me as if he genuinely had no clue. My eyes met his through the mirror only to see them soften. He walked up right behind me and gripped my waist so softly.

Gently, I pushed past him once again and settled with standing as far as I could from him. He had a great way of distracting me with his sexiness of tattoos and beautiful eyes, not to mention the muscles all over his body just asking to be- ugh!

"I saw my mother today," I said. Those five words caused him to tense up more than I've ever seen before. I couldn't ignore the worry that came crawling into my bloodstream at the thought of my mother possibly being right.

"You saw her, where? What did she tell you?" He commanded in a question.

"Doesn't matter where because she's gone, and she told me her side of her truth. Her words were that 'they' which I assuming is you, Valentino, and Angelo kidnapped her. Then, 'they' killed my father just to get to me. She also said that he's alive and that's why you have been gone for so long," I told him truthfully.

Anger was clear on every inch of his face, even his fists were clenched. I wish I was better at reading people. I couldn't tell if he felt guilty, or if she made everything up to ruin my life as always and it made him mad.

"What do you believe?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at me as if I were the villain. I couldn't deny the fact that it was beginning to piss me off. The secrets in the place were becoming too overwhelming.

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