18 | kensho

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kenshō [ ken•sho ]
n. the zen experience or enlightenment, when ones own nature is seen for what it truly is.

- o r a b e l l a -

I rolled over on the bed feeling that I was absolutely alone. It didn't really surprise me that Vincenzo didn't sleep in here seeing as he has his own room, but I had only assumed since last night went so great. At least, I think it went great.

My head wasn't buzzing like I had expected it to. From the countless books and movies I've read and seen, they've always exaggerated the fact that there's normally a pounding headache, but I didn't seem to get one. It caused a frown on my face-I wanted the full drunk experience.

Throwing the blanket off, my eyes cast themselves down to look at the red dress I was still wearing. So, it seems that we didn't do anything last night. The only thing that was different from my attire last night was my heels.

I walked into the restroom, taking my time to turn on the water to allow it to heat up. The minute my eyes made contact with my own through the mirror that began to have beads of condensation all over it, I didn't know how to react. My eyes stared back into my own with a look that was different from what it was before. Something-everything was different.

I had attempted unzipping my own dress, but after the twentieth try, my arms grew heavier and the heat from the shower made me feel grimmer. I grabbed a hanger from off of the counter and placed it in between the door and the door hinge. With the hook of the hanger sticking out of the door, I interlocked it's with the zipper of my dress before standing up on my tippytoes.

The zipper went to about halfway before I decided to finish the job on my own. I had taken the hanger from the door and placed it back on the counter. This time, when I looked back up in the mirror as I had taken off my dress, I could only see a blur of me through the mirror.

After stepping into the shower, I grabbed the shampoo first. With a generous pace, I massaged the shampoo into my scalp before gliding it down my hair. When I finished, I moved on to wash my entire body.


After I had finished my shower, I got dressed, and I immediately headed downstairs due to the growling of my stomach. Sarah and I had chatted for a while before she finished my breakfast and then I headed into the dining room to eat all alone. That is, until Anastasia thankfully arrived.

"Anastasia," I called out, getting up from my seat on the long empty dining table and walking over to her. She looked up at me and smiled a very beautiful smile before allowing her arms to wrap around me in an embrace.

"Oh, my gosh, Orabella, I've been meaning to talk to you. I'm so sorry for taking you to the club. Had I known that Vincenzo had claimed you, I wouldn't had. It was very low and stupid of me. I hope I didn't cause you too much trouble," she apologized with a very guilty look on her face that showed she meant every word. Even though, I felt as though she wasn't at fault at all. She didn't even know, and I should have told her.

"No, I've been meaning to apologize you. I knew and you didn't," I said with a sad smile.

"Well, lets just agree to disagree," she chuckled out before walking over to the table. I followed right behind her before sitting back down in front of my plate of food, watching as she sat beside me.

Seconds later, Sarah walked in with a plate of similar eggs, bacon, pancakes, and a glass of orange juice. She placed the food right in front of Anastasia.

"Oh sweet lawdy, this smells delicious," she groaned out at the aroma before diving right into the food. I laughed at her, noting how we had the same exact reaction.

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