26 | habromania

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Habromania [ habro•mania ]
n. delusions of happiness


It was already nighttime. Strangely, I've began to notice how the days seem to fly by here. It wasn't too long ago that I hadn't even thought of this type of world existing. Now, I'm right smack in the center, and I still haven't even decided if I loved, or hated it.

Vincenzo had left shortly after our intimate time together, leaving me in his bed all alone. His masculine scent was engulfing me and I loved it. All I could do was ponder on what happened previously.

After getting up and taking my second shower of the day, I walked out of the room and headed downstairs. I had turned many corners and walked down many halls until I was finally in the kitchen.

Sarah was in there like always-cooking up some kind of food. "Hey," I spoke the second I came into contact with the delicious aroma of her food.

She turned around for a second with a smile on her face before turning back to the food she was cooking. "I'm making a special dinner for all the men in this house, would you like me to make the same for you, beautiful?" She asked with a wink.

I chuckled slightly before walking closer to her to see what she was cooking. The name of it wouldn't come to mind, but it did look as good as it smelt.

"Yes, that would be perfect," I told her before walking over to the counter and sitting on top of it like I normally do when I came down here to eat.

"So, how are things with the don?" She asked randomly, I raise my eyebrows as I look at her questionably.

"Wow, usually it's me being nosy," I laugh out jokingly which she joins in on. She closes the pot of whatever food she's making and sets a timer before coming over to stand right beside me.

"Things are good. I've been kind of pushing his buttons, though," I answered. Purposely, I only revealed enough to answer her question, but also enough to get her to let go of the subject entirely. It's a trick I've picked up from listening to the way Vincenzo speaks.

"Hmm. Well, I think it's just your personality because you push mine as well," she giggled out, turning on the faucet water and beginning to wash dishes. I let out a gasp, suddenly thinking about Anastasia.

"I can't even be mad at you because you're right," I said.

It seemed the odds were in my favor as Anastasia came into the kitchen. She looked completely drained, but still had this huge smile on her face. As I looked from her messy hair to the long shirt and small shorts she had on, I'd say the rest of her day was very exhausting.

"Hey, my two favorite girls," she said walking up to me and embracing me in a hug before going over and doing the same to Sarah.

"Anastasia, I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you, but I didn't. I'm stubborn, and stupid. You honestly deserve a better friend because I am far from it," I spoke hoping that she could hear how much I meant every word. She walked back up to me with that same beautiful smile playing out on her lips.

"Now, Bella. What kind of friendship would we have if one of us weren't the bad one who always convinced the good girl into doing dumb stuff? It's okay, trust me," she told me before placing a kiss on my cheek to prove that she meant it.

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