34 | logolepsy

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logolepsy [ lo•go•lepsy ]
n. an obsession with words

When I had woken up, Vincenzo was still sleep. It felt like a mini-victory on my part because I wanted to surprise him with breakfast in bed. With a smile, I slid from his arms that held me close to him. As soon as I was free, I bit down on my bottom lip before tip-toeing out of the room.

The second I made it out of the room, I quickly ran down the hallway, and down the stairs. Sarah was already in the kitchen like always. It smelled absolutely delicious. The aroma actually made my stomach growl in hunger.

"Goodmorning, gorgeous," I said with a smile as I walked into the kitchen. The blush that danced around on her cheeks didn't go unnoticed by me as she turned towards me for a split second. That second didn't last long at all as she turned back around to tend to whatever she was baking.

"Goodmorning, Orabella," she told me. I walked over to her only to catch a glimpse at what she was cooking. It looked like skinny bread, but it smelled absolutely amazing.

"It's called Ciabatta, meaning Slipper. It's bread that is so skinny that it resembles a slipper which is where it gets its name," she told me.

Feeling educated, I nodded my head.

"Sounds delicious," I said, smiling at the food. She looked over at me with a tight-lipped smile before walking away.

"Did you want something?" She asked suddenly becoming cold. Call it intuition, I always find it strange how she went from hot to cold sometimes. I thought that we were friends, but I doubt it at times.

"I came down here to make Vince some breakfast," I explained. With that reminder, I walked over to the refrigerator and took out some eggs. Her eyes were on me the entire time. I could literally feel her eyes burning holes into my skin.

"Orabella, Valentino needs to see you in his office," Anastasia said, coming out of nowhere. I looked at her before looking at my eggs.

"Don't worry about it, I'll get started on them while you talk to Mr. Romano," Sarah kindly stated. I sent her a kind smile before walking out of the kitchen. Anastasia stayed instead of following me, so I'm assuming he wants to talk to me about the plan.

After quite a walk, I made it to his familiar office where he was sitting at his chair with a pair of glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose. When I had walked in, he removed them from his face before looking up at me.

"I wanted to discuss what I came up with without my brother's interference. Meaning, what is said here, is going to stay here, right?" He asked, a brow raised.

It feels as though I'm making a deal with the devil. Especially now that I would have to go behind Vincenzo's back. Guilt settled at the pit of my stomach as I nodded my head.

A small fake smile made its way onto his face as he pointed to the chair in front of his desk. My legs were like jelly as I sat down and awaited for what he needed to inform me of.

The troubling thing was not knowing if I could trust him or not. He's Vincenzo's brother, and he seems to be a man of his word, but he's also willing to go behind his brothers back. Vincenzo did say that he would be with me the entire time, but it doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

Then, the thought of my what my father had done to them. All the trouble he caused them both mentally and physically, and I cant help, but to want to help. He needed me, and if this would prove that I'm on their side until the very end-so be it. It's what I would want if the roles were switched.

"Words, Princess," Valentino tormentingly stated.

"Yes, what's said here will stay here," I told him, attempting to sound as confident as I could. It would pain me to tell him that his aura was frightening me. I've never been in a space alone with him, and he was giving me the vibes of a psycho serial killer.

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