Chapter Two: A Deal With The Devil

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"Jonathan!", yelled Robert, "What the hell's your problem?  I'm beginning to think you're as nutty as the rest of this town."

"Look Rob-", Jonathan began.  However the manor began to shake causing him to look back at it in terror.

"What was that?", asked Robert.

"Um, it, it's just the old place settling.", said Jonathan.  He then heard an angry voice in his head.

"Jonathan!", the voice shouted, "We had an agreement!"

"You know what, Robert.", Jonathan began, "I'm, I'm sorry.  It's just that I feel over protective of my family since Karen died.  I guess I haven't seen you guys in a long time, and forgotten how much Sarah had probably grown.  I guess I was worried about some of the men who might be tempted by the new pretty face in town.  I suppose I was overreacting.  Don't get me wrong, this is a nice town, it's just that Sarah looks older that's sixteen.  Some men might be tempted to take advantage of her naivety."

"Look Jonathan, thanks for being concerned.", said Robert, "But I am her father, I will keep an eye on her.  Believe me, I've had to scare off a few young men back home.  I think I can handle them out here as well."

"You're right Robert, I'm sorry.", said Jonathan, "Look, here are the keys to my house.  Why don't you take Sarah there, and you guys can get settled.  I be along in a little while, I just have some business to finish up."

"Okay then Sarah, and I, will see you in a little bit.", replied Robert.  With that he got in the car, and he, and Sarah drove off to his brothere's house.  As they drove off, Jonathan turned around, and looked back towards the manor.

Please not her!", he cried, "She's my niece, she's only sixteen."

"In my day sixteen was a grown woman.", the voice responded, "We have stared into each other's souls.  I have fallen in love, she's the one I want.  You promised to find me a bride, you will not interfere!  If you do the deal is off, and Karen's soul will be trapped here forever.  Do you really want her to spend eternity as a mere chambermaid?"

"Why did you have to kill her?", asked Jonathan. "Please say you haven't touched her."

"First of all, as tempting as it may be, I have not laid a hand on your wife." The voice replied, "Not only is that something I am saving for my bride to be, I can only have relations with a living being. I can only experience sexual pleasure though a living beings own sexual gradification. It would be pointless for two spirits to even try.  There would be no  sexual gratification of any kind.  Second, I had no choice, but to kill her.  She was conspiring with your brother to have me destroyed.  Anyone who tries to demolish me has to be punished.  I take their souls, and then they serve me.  It has also made me more powerful the more souls I collect.  My spirit can actually leave the manor, as long as I stay within a certain perimeter.  Fortunately your home is in that perimeter  That means I can visit my beloved before she is brought to me."

"What does that mean?", asked Jonathan.

"That is none of your concern!", replied the voice.

"Look, There's a girl's college in the neighboring town.", said Jonathan. "I talked to the historical department.  Many beautiful young girls will be studying the manor beginning next week.  I'm sure you would find a girl you'd like even better than Sarah."

"This manor won't be here next week!", the voice replied in anger, "Sarah is the one I love. She is the one I want, and she is the one I shall have!  Remember I know that it was your brother, as well as Karen, who were planning on having me destroyed.  The only reason I haven't killed him, as soon as he came to the manor, is because of my love for Sarah. I will probably have to use him to get her to agree to marry me.  Also, if I killed him, it would probably take a much longer time for her to fall in love with me.  And she will fall in love with me!  I want her to be happy, I want to give her everything her heart desires.  That will include my love as well as my passion.  Just think Jonathan, once I marry her, Karen's soul will go free.  Then Sarah and I will live happily ever after for all eternity.  Surely you can't have a problem with that?"

"No.",  said Jonathan as if he actually believed it, "I suppose not."

"I'm glad we agree", the voice responded, "Oh, and one other thing.  If any man so much as tries to lay a finger on her, he too will be punished.  Do you understand?"

"Yes.", replied Jonathan.

"Good, then if I were you, I'd keep an eye on her.", the voice said, "As you told your brother earlier, some men might not act appropriately towards the new pretty face in town.  If they don't, well, the manor can always use more servants.  Now then, I think you'd better head home.  You don't want to keep your brother, and niece waiting." Jonathan then got in his car, and drove away.  He didn't know that Karen's spirit heard the whole conversation, she then tried to plead with her captor not to force her niece into marrying him.

"Michael!", cried Karen, "Please don't do this!"

"Shut up woman!", cried Michael's angry spirit , "Learn your place!  You might have once been First Lady of this meaningless town, but now you are just a glorified housekeeper at best!  Since you're a woman, even a spirit of a woman, I will not inflict pain upon you.  I am too much a gentleman to do that.  However you may watch as I inflict pain on my brother in your place!"

"No, please don't!", she cried.

"Jason's suffering will be because of you Karen!", yelled Michael, "And you my dear will watch me torture him.  Just keep in mind that as you watch him suffer, it will be all of your fault!"

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