Chapter Sixteen: A Father's Anguish

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Detective Johnson had sent a patrol car to go pick up Robert, from the service station. Robert was horrified when he found out about Sarah. On the way to the hospital, he called Jonathan's cell. Jonathan saw that his brother was calling him, he already knew why. He just needed to act surprised, he didn't need to act horrified. Jonathon then answered his phone.

"Hello.", said Jonathan.

"J-J-Jon-athan!", cried Robert.

"Robert, what's wrong?", asked Jonathan.

"On my God, oh my God!", Robert cried, "I can't, I can't even say it!" Jonathan could hear his poor brother sobbing, in agony.

"Robert? Did something happen to Sarah?", asked Jonathan, What happened to Sarah?"

"She was gang raped by three escaped convicts!", cried Robert, "It's all my fault! I left her alone! The developer wouldn't reschedule, and Sarah was afraid she would be in the way if I took her. This damn resort idea has been nothing trouble. Why!? Why didn't I tell him, no. I knew she shouldn't have been left alone. Dear God, why did I leave her alone? If I had stayed home, I wouldn't have let that crazy wack job in your house! That Evangeline Nelson, a so called medium. Her perverted son followed her. If Sarah hadn't let that crazy bitch in, those degenerates wouldn't have assaulted my little girl."

"Robert, listen to me,it's not your fault.", said Jonathan, "You had no way of knowing. Where are you now?"

"I'm in the back of a patrol car, on the way to the hospital.", cried Robert, "My car broke down, on the way back to your place. I was waiting for it to be repaired. Dammit! I called her five time, and she didn't answer. I knew something was wrong. Then Detective Johnson called me, and told me what happened. Since my car wasn't ready, he sent a police car pick me up. He'll be waiting for me at the hospital."

"Look Robert, I'm on my way.",said Jonathan, and then he hung up the phone.

"Shit!, thought Jonathan, as he got into his car, "Robert why? Why did you leave her? Oh my God, you have no idea what you have done.  Karen may suffer because of you. Wait, I should've been on top of things. My niece was raped, by a convicted serial rapist.  When did he get out of jail? He must have escaped. The judge threw the book at him. What was his mother doing there? Wait! What if she really isn't crazy. Maybe she told Sarah about me. No, I can't worry about about a bunch of nonsense right now. My niece, and my brother, are are both in a lot of pain. And I'm going to make it worse. Oh God! Why do I have to do this to them? Why did this have to happen to Karen?"


When Robert arrived at the hospital, he ran into the emergency room. He went up to the front desk. He was breathing heavy, and in a panic.

"Excuse me!", Robert began, "My-."

"I'll be with you in one moment, sir", said the reception abruptly, "I'm on the phone right now."

"LOOK LADY!", screamed Robert, "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR HEN PARTY! So Get your ass off the fucking phone, and tell me where I can find my daughter!"

"Sir! Do I have to call security?", she asked firmly.

"LISTEN!", screamed Robert, "MY DAUGHTER IS BACK THERE!"

"SIR!", she began, "I going to have to-"

"It's okay Ma'am.", said Eric, while showing her his badge, "Let us back there please." She shot Robert an angry look before letting the automatic doors open. Robert was still crying, and began to calm down.

"I"m sorry.", cried Robert, "This isn't like me. I'm just so upset tight now."

"It's okay.", said Eric, "I understand. I would tell you you need to calm down, but I think I would probably act the same way."

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