Chapter Twenty Six: An Unholy Matrimony

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Robert was in complete awe of his daughter. He had never seen her look more beautiful. Tears came to his eye. And, for a split second, he wished Helen was there to see her. But he then remembered who Sarah was marrying, and why.

"You look amazing!", said Jonathan, who was taken aback by his niece.

"Thank you, Uncle Jon.", replied Sarah smiling. Robert shot an angry look towards his brother.

"Let's cut the bullshit!", cried Robert, "This is not a happy occasion. My daughter's about to marry the devil himself, and your all acting this is okay!"

"No, Robert.", said Karen, "We're not. We're just trying to make the best of a bad situation. If you can think of a way out of this, I'm all ears. I don't want Sarah to have to marry Lord Winworth, either."

"Lord Winworth?", asked Robert, "Karen do you even hear yourself? This madman has everyone so twisted, and afraid. I mean, I'm just supposed to just let my daughter marry this evil megalomaniac?"

"Then come up with an alternative solution, Robert.", demanded Jonathan.

"Go to hell, Jonathan!", spat Robert.

"Please stop!", cried Sarah, "I can't take anymore. Does anyone even care how I feel? This is all my fault. If it weren't for me, our family would be tearing apart!"

"It's not your fault, Sarah.", said Karen, "If you want to play that game, you can say it's my fault. I'm the one who tried to have this place torn down. If I hadn't, I'd still be alive. Your father wouldn't have been involved, and Lord Winworth wouldn't even know you exist. Todd would also still be alive. If anyone is to blame it's me."

"Karen.", Jonathan cried, "I'm the one to blame. I got the ball rolling on the demolition plans for this place. I mean if any-"

"Oh it's everybody's fault, it's nobody's fault!", cried Robert, "I really don't give a shit! It's not going to change the fact that my daughter is about to marry a monster!"

"Daddy!", cried Sarah.

"I'm sorry sweetheart.", cried Robert, "I just love you so much. I dreamt of this day, or rather dreaded this day, since I first held you in my arms. I wanted so much for you. Now your going to be imprisoned by some pervert, for all eternity."

"At least he love me , Daddy.", said Sarah.

"Sarah, you're only sixteen.", said Robert, "You don't even know what love is. Your body is changing so much, and your hormones can confuse any rational thinking. That's why he has such a hold on you. He using that to his advantage. I don't even know if he's capable of love. Maybe on some dark twisted level, but not the kind of love that you deserve. You should be waiting at least five years, before you would even consider getting married. It should be with someone who has nothing but pure unconditional love. But this man's love is dark, and possessive. He had a fucked up childhood. I have some of his memories. His twisted love for you, may be the only way he knows how to love."

"So you know about my brother's dark past?', said Jason. He, and Todd's, spirits soo appeared.

"Who the hell are you?", asked Robert.

"I'm Jason Winworth, Michael's brother.", replied Jason.

"Well Jason, I'm sorry for your situation.", Robert began, "But unless you have a solution, I really don't give a damn."

"I'm not a fan of my brother's either.", said Jason, "He forever separated me form my wife, I hate him. I don't want him getting what he wants, he doesn't deserve it. He sure as hell doesn't deserve your daughter, but there is no alternative. I know him. Even if Sarah chooses your dying, over her marry him, he will find another way. He will kill everyone in this town, one by one, until she was yes. There is a force field around this estate, as well as this house. No one can get in, or out. She can't escape, not unless she want to watch at least tens of thousands of innocent people die. He does love her. Although your right, his love is possessive. He is willing to put her needs, before his. Except for one, his need to have her. He won't let her go. Just be thankful he's letting you stay. But be warned, if you do stay, don't cross him. Except for Sarah, anyone else who crosses him, will suffer dire consequences." Robert hung his head, and began to cry. They were right, there was no way to stop it. Sarah walked over to her father, lifted his head up, and smiled.

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