Chapter Nine: Innocence Lost

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After Sarah, Robert, and Jonathan arrived home.  She was still traumatized by the events of the day.  First was witnessing Todd's gruesome untimely death, Then there was meeting his murderer.  Sarah hated herself for letting Michael effect her the way he did.  She knew he was the one who killed Todd, and she knew why.  Yet she let his handsome face, and dangerous charm seduce her so easily. 

The three of them sat down together, for dinner, each one of them too upset to talk.  Robert however, couldn't help but notice his daughters emotionless demeanor.

"Sarah, are you alright?", he asked.

"Not really Daddy.", she told him somberly, "I just can't get that horrribe image out of my head."

"Do you want to talk about it, sweetheart?", her father asked?

"It was just so horrible.", she answered, "Please don't be mad at me."

"For what, Sarah?", her father asked.

"We had just left the restaurant.", she began, We were headed to his car, by the way of the city park. I was talking to him about mom.  Daddy, he actually made me feel better.  Then I told some stupid joke, and we laughed.  For a second, we locked eyes.  Neither one of us we're thinking, and the next thing I knew, we were kissing.  It just happened so fast, it was just instinct.  You know?  We were just sharing a moment , and it got the best of us. But then he remembered how old I was, he immediately pulled away from me, and then he apologized.  Then I felt a cold chill.  I thought I heard a man's voice, and then it happened."

"What man's voice?", asked Jonathon. 

"I don't know.", she responded.  That was only a half truth, at the time she didn't know.  However she knew now that it was Michael.

"Then he struggled breathing.", she continued, "His eyes rolled back in his head, he fell to the ground, he started having convulsions, and then blood started coming ou of his mouth.  I screamed for help, that's when Detective Johnson came along.  But then there was that lady, she kept telling everyone it was my fault.  I know it wasn't fault, but for some reason, I can't shake the feeling that it might be."

Sarah then began to cry, her father immediately embraced her.  She leaned her head against his shoulder, and began sobbing profusely. A waterfall of tears came pouring out of her, as he father held her tight.

"It's not your fault Sarah.", her father told her.  He too had tears in his eyes, both for his daughter, and for Todd.  He then kissed the top of her head.  She looked up at her father, and smiled.

"I'm just not hungry.", she said, "Would you mind if I skipped dinner?  I just want to take a shower, and go to bed."

"I don't mind, sweetheart.", he replied, Do you mind Jonathan?"

"No of course not.", Jonathan responded, "You've had a rough day, we all have."

"Goodnight Daddy, goodnight Uncle Jon." She said to them. She then gave each of them a peck on the cheek, before heading up to take a shower.

"Poor kid.", said Robert, "Having to watch something horrific as that, only to have some crazy lady screaming that it was her fault.  That was the last thing she needed.  I don't get this town.  How could anyone think that Sarah was responsible for Todd's death?"

"You'd be surprised", said Jonathan, "Well I know have the unpleasant task of trying to get through to Karen, and Todd's parents.  Not only have they lost their only daughter, now they've lost  their only son."

"I know that's going to be rough for you.", said Robert, "Is there anything I can do?"

"Just know that I truly love both you, and Sarah.", replied Jonathan, "We'll always be brothers no matter what.  If there ever comes a time when you may get angry with, just keep in mind that we're family.  If you ever need me Robert, I will always be there for you.  I mean, even if I may be the last person you want to ever see.  Just remember that I love you."

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