Chapter Twenty Two: Suite Memories

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Detective Johnson, and a squadron of police cars headed for the hospital. As they arrived on the scene, Aaron was waiting for him.

"Eric you're not going to believe this.", said Aaron.

"I don't know what to believe anymore, but try me .", replied Eric.

"Hospital security was notified, and they can't get to the sixth floor.", she told him.

"I assume that Sarah is on the sixth floor?", he asked.

"Correct.", she replied, "They have no access to the floor, it's completely cut off. The elevators won't stop there, and the stairwell doors can't be opened."

"What the hell is going on?", he wondered.

"Detective!", called a hospital security guard, "We were finally able to get the stairwell doors open!"

"Alright.", said Eric, "Let's find out what's going on." As they got to the floor, they were shocked by what they saw. The entire night staff was still laying unconscious. Eric then bent down, and checked for a pulse from an unconscious nurse.

"Is she dead?, asked the officer.

"No.", replied Eric, "She just unconscious. Check everyone on this floor, and try to find the girl. Look for her father, and uncles as well. Is there any security footage?" The police started searching the entire floor. Everyone, from staff to patients, were all unconscious. A few ER doctors were called in for help.

"I've never seen anything this.", said Aaron, I don't suppose anyone has found Sarah yet?"

"No.', said Eric, "Look,. You said it was her father, and not her uncle, who was abusing her. He just didn't seem like the kind of man who would do that to his own daughter. Are you sure you heard everything right."

"Yes.", said Aaron, "He was talking to her as if he was enamored her. She also yelled at him, and asked what he was doing. What ever it was, it was inappropriate."

"Detective!", said a young officer, "We have the security footage, but we can't find the girl anywhere. Her father, and uncle, are also missing."

"Just great.", sighed Eric, "Well at least let's check out the footage." As they watched the security footage, they saw Sarah faint into her father's arms. Jonathan was just standing there, while Robert scooped up his Sarah. Eric was horrified at what he saw.

"Officer.", said Eric, "Go back at little bit, and slow that last part down." As he did so, Eric couldn't believe his eyes. It looked as though Robert was about to passionately kiss his unconscious daughter.

"That son of a bitch had me fooled!"


Jonathan drove Robert (Michael), and Sarah to the manor. Jonathan kept looking back in the, rear view mirror. He was worried what Michael might do. What if he takes advantage of her in Robert's body? Michael held Sarah in his arms. Being corporeal brought back a lot of senses, that were not as strong in his spirit form. As he lovingly cradled her, he breathed in the sent form her hair. She smelled even more delightful then he remembered. He ran Robert's fingers down her cheeks. Her skin was warm, soft, and delicate. With his eyes closed, he ran his fingers through her hair. More that anything he wanted to kiss her, but he knew he shouldn't do that in her father's body.

"I've waited two hundred years for you, my love.", he whispered, "Soon my angel, we will be together forever. I promise I will always love you, and bring you nothing but happiness. After we are married, we will fulfill of each other's passionate desires. Now a days, sixteen is still considered a child, but tonight I shall make you a woman." As he whispered, his hot breath permeated her neck. To his delight, she let out a pleasant sigh. Soon they were going to be together, forever!

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