Chapter Four: Familial Relations

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Robert, and Sarah, arrived at Jonathan's house. As they got out of the car, Sarah still couldn't get the image of the manor out of her head. Why was she so obsessed with it? She just kept picturing what it must of looked like when it was still in all of it's magnificent glory. She closed her eyes, and a sudden chill was in the air. Sarah started to feel like she was falling into some form of trance like state.

"Come to me Sarah!", she heard a haunting male voice say, "Come to me, and be mine forever!" The voice startled her, and quickly brought her out of the spell she was under. She then let out a loud gasp. She looked around, but no one was there.

"Are you alright Sarah?", her father asked.

"Do you hear that?", she asked him.

"Here what?", he responded.

"I thought I heard a man's voice.", she replied.

"Yeah, it was me asking you to get your bag out of the car.", he said smiling, "You know, while you were day dreaming."

"No.", she replied with confusion, "It got cold all of a sudden, and then I heard it."

"Honey, it's ninety degrees out here.", he replied, "I wish there was a chill in the air. I think you were just in the car too long. You're probably tired. You have seemed out of it since we got here. You scared the hell out of me when you almost walked into that death trap earlier."

"I'm sorry Daddy.", she told him, "Maybe I am tired, I think I'm just hearing things."

"It's okay Princess. I'll forgive you, this time.", he said with a smile. He then wrapped is arms around her into a loving embrace. She smiled back as he gave her a quick peck on her forehead.

"I'm glad we have one another.", she said, "These last six moinths have been hard since Mom died, especially the sinceless way she died. I'm just glad your in my life. I love you Daddy."

"Oh sweetheart.", he responded, "I couldn't have gotten through this nightmare without you. I don't know what I would have done, if you hadn't been in my life. The older you get, the more you look and act like your mother. That is the highest compliment I could ever pay a person. Just promise me that you'll always remember how much I love."

"I will Daddy.", she replied smiling back at him. She then gave him a quick peck om the cheek. As they started to head towards the enterence, of the house, they soon saw a familiar face.

"Oh my God!", the young man exclaimed, "Is that Sarah?"

"Todd Miller, as I live and breath!", Robert replied giving him a quick hug, "Sarah you remember Todd, Karen's brother."

"Um, maybe a little.", she said flashing a mischievous smile.

"Oh I know you remember me.", he said, "You used to kick me all time."

"That's cause I liked you.", she said while giggling.

"Well if I knew you were going to turn out like this, I might have let you kick me more often.", he responded. She then smiled back, and began to blush."

"Keep in mind she's only sixteen Todd.", they heard a voice say, "You'e thirty." They turned around, and saw Jonathan standing there. He had a frightened look upon his face.

"Oh lighten up Jonathan.", said Robert, "They're not being serious, it's just cordial banter."

"What are you doing here anyway Todd", asked Jonathan. He still had a serious look on his face.

"I knew they were coming by today.", said Todd, "It's been at least eleven years. I just wanted to stop by and see them, and pay my respects about Helen."

"Well you should have called first.", said Jonathan while sounding annoyed. They couldn't understand why he was acting so rude. Little did they know that he was fearing for Todd's life. His was afraid that Michael would kill Todd, if Todd showed any signs of interest in Sarah. The four of them then went inside the house. Robert then turned to Todd.

"I'm worried about Jonathan.", Robert whispered, "He just doesn't seem the same. I suppose it's understandable, considering Karen's sudden death. By the way, how are you holding up these days?"

"It's been difficult.", he replied, "Especially what happened, I still don't get it. How does a woman of thirty-eight die of a heart attack? You are right about Jonathan though, he just hasn't been the same."

"Excuse me Todd.", Jonathan began, "I need to talk to my brother for jus a second."

"Sure, no problem.", he said, "I'll just hang out with Sarah."

"Actually, Todd, I think it would be better if you just left right now." Both Robert, and Todd, looked at him in disbelief. Todd just held his hands up in the air."

"Look if you don't want me here, I'll just leave.", he said, "I don't want to be a problem." Obviously annoyed, Todd started to walk towards the front door.

"Todd, wait!", cried Robert, but Todd just left and didn't respond.

"You were being a bit rude Jonathan, don't you think?", asked Robert.

"Look Robert.", Jonathan began, "I just think it would be best if he stayed away from Sarah. I mean she's only sixteen, and he's thirty. He's way too old for her. I would think as her father you would be careful of things like that."

"Jonathan are you accusing me of being a bad parent?", asked Robert.

"No, of course not.", said Jonathatn, "It's just, you haven't seen Todd in eleven years. Look he's my brother-in-law, I love him. It's just that he gets around a lot. I'm just afraid he might forget her age, and try something. Just keep him away from her, just to be safe. Please, I know you brought her here for a change of pace. I know she is still upset over her mother's death. I guess I'm afraid that someone, who doesn't know her that well, may take advantage of her vulnerabilities. Look, I know I was rude. I'm sorry. I offend both him, and also you. It's just been so hard since I lost Karen. You have to forgive me if I don't seem like myself anymore."

"It's okay, Jonathan."said Robert, "Believe me, no one understands more that I. But I think it's Todd who really deserves your apology."

"Your right.", said Jonanthatn, "I-I will, of course I will apologize to him. I just want to keep all of my loved ones safe. I couldn't handle a loved one being hurt right now. Just promise me that you'll keep her out situations she may be too naive to handle."

"She's my daughter, I'll protect her Jonathan.", replied Robert, "You don''t have to worry about her well being."

"Just keep her away from Todd, okay.", said Jonathan.

"If that's what you want.", replied Robert, "I still think he's a nice young man, but you know him better than I do."

"Good.", Jonathan said smiling, "Tell you what. Once you and Sarah settle in, the thee of us will grab a bite to eat. My treat."

"Sounds great.", replied Robert. He then began to head upstairs. Sarah was waiting for him at the top of the stairs.

"Is Uncle Jon okay?", she asked. Her father then place his hands on her forearms. He sighed, and looked at her with a sad expression.

"No sweetheart, he's not."

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