Chapter Twenty Seven: Sins Of The Past

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Michael became wide eyed. It was a combination of both fear, and anger.

"Where did you get that?", cried Michael. Now more that ever, he wanted to kill Jonathan. Sarah was frightened, and she began to tremble. Michael was terrified about what could happen to her.

"Why don't you ask Father Thomas?", Jonathan responded.

"My son, you don't want to do this.", said Father Thomas.

"I have no choice Father.", said Jonathan, "I don't want to hurt Sarah, but I have been brought to my breaking point. Did you really think that I would trust you Michael?"

"Jonathan, what the hell are you doing?", cried Robert.

"I'm sorry, Robert.", said Jonathan, "But we're talking one lost soul for hundreds imprisoned here."

"What so you mean lost soul?", asked Robert. He began to panic at what his brother was saying.

"Sarah's soul, and the void are one.", Michael explained, "That dagger is the only thing that can kill her, but it can't harm anyone else in here. Since it created the void, it can destroy it. If he drives it into her heart, the void will cease to exist. Sarah will also cease to exist, because her soul would also be destroyed. Sarah would face complete oblivion."

"Jonathan don't do this!", cried Robert.

"I'm sorry Robert", cried Jonathan, "But I have nothing else to lose. You said it yourself, I'm dead to you."

"Jonathan!", cried Karen, "Please don't do this! If you do, I'm done with you!"

"That's a risk I have to take.", said Jonathan, "I'd rather have you hate me, then trapped here forever. Also with the void destroyed, everyone goes free. Then Michael ends up in hell where he belongs."

"Don't do this, my son.", said Father Thomas.

"You had the answer the whole time Father.", said Jonathan, "But you didn't use it."

"I save souls.", Father Thomas responded, "I don't destroy them. This girl has suffered enough, please don't hurt her."

"I don't wan to.", cried Jonathan, "But so many people have suffered because of Michael. I read your notes, I know everything. Why don't you tell everyone here how you came in possession of the dagger. Father Thomas sighed, as he began to reveal what had happened.

"It was the night that Michael first tried to create the void.", Father Thomas began.


Two hundred years prior

Farther Thomas was at the seminary getting reading for bed. It was at that moment he heard a frantic knock on the door.

"FATHER THOMAS!", cried Pauline, "FATHER THOMAS! PLEASE, HELP ME!" He opened the door, and found the frightened young woman. She was disheveled, and covered in blood.

"Pauline, what happened?, " he asked her.

"Look!", she cried. She then pointed to the manor. There was a strange ungodly explosion, one like he had never seen.

"Father, you have to help me!", cried Pauline, "You have to help Jason. He's trapped in there!"

"Come in my child.", he told her, "Now tell me what happened."

"Michael invited us over for dinner, but it was a trap.", she told him, "He sacrificed Jason, and tried to create some eternal void. Michael wanted to trap just him, and me in there. But I grabbed the dagger out of Jason's heart, and I killed Michael. It was the only way I could away. Because I killed him before it was completed, the manor just exploded. Jason's soul is trapped in there for ever. You have to get his soul out of there Father!"

"Is that the dagger?", he asked. She looked down, and was amazed to see it still in her hand,

"Oh my God!", she exclaimed, "I didn't even realize I still had it! I'm a murderer!"

"Pauline, it's sounds more like self defense.", he replied, "But I can absolve you of that sin, and I'm sure God will understand."

"Father! Please save Jason!", she cried.

"I will try.", he began, "I have been trained to exorcise demons, but I'm not sure it will work on the evil spirit of a witch. In the meantime, I think it would be best it you stayed at the convent. You can get a bath, hide among the sisters, we may need to burn that dress. I don't want the authorities finding out about this. They may not be as understanding."

"Father?", asked Pauline, "Can you do me one more favor? Can you give me Last Rites?"

"What?", he asked alarmingly. He quickly looked her way. Before he could do anything, she had plunged the the dagger into her abdomen.

"NO!", he cried. He then ran over to her, and grabbed her as she hit the ground. He then cradled her dying body.

"Why Pauline, why?", he cried.

"Father.", she said while she laid dying, "Please send my Jason to me." And with that, she was gone. He gave her Last Rites, and absolved her of her sins. She was then secretly, in an unmarked grave. He then began to study Michael's family history. The dagger had been in Michael's maternal family for generations. Father Thomas tried to destroy the dagger. But nothing worked, he couldn't even melt it into nothing. There was powerful dark magic protecting it. It could not be destroyed. So he buried in the seminary, with the hopes that it would never be found.


Present Day

"Well you were wrong Father.", said Jonathan, "The seminary closed over a century ago. The dagger, and all of your notes were discovered when the entire area was excavated a few years ago. The town didn't know what to do with it. They knew what it was, and they feared it. So those in charge, at the time, locked it away in a vault at City Hall. That is how I found it. Ironically if Pauline had waited until the void was completed, before killing Michael, the void would have been destroyed. Michael would have been destroyed with it, and Jason would have been set free. But I guess she didn't know that."

Jason closed his eyes, and held back his tears. His one hope was that Pauline might have found someone else, and had lived some sort of happy life. This was the first time he knew the truth. Father Thomas had kept it from him. Now he hated his brother more that ever.

"If you think your getting out of here alive, Jonathan!", snarled Michael, "Think again!"

"You can't scare me Michael!", exclaimed Jonathan, "Because right now I have your only weakness, Sarah! Now do you let Karen, and Todd go, or do I have to destroy my own niece?"

Sarah was more than frightened. She closed her eye, as warm tears began to stream down her face. The family that she had always loved, and trusted was know falling apart before her very eyes.

"YOU BASTARD!", cried Robert. He then punched Jonathan in the face. Jonathan quickly went down, releasing Sarah, and dropping the dagger. A furious Michael grabbed Jonathan by the neck, and lifted him off of the ground.

"NOW YOU WILL DIE!", screamed Michael.

"STOP!", yelled Sarah, holding the dagger lever her heart, "If you don't let him go, I will plunge it into my own heart!"

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