Chapter Seventeen: Brotherly Love

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"Just what are you implying?", asked Robert.

"Have you noticed that your brother has been acting strange lately?", asked Eric.

"Well yes, but you have to remember he just lost his wife two months ago.", said Robert, "Take it from me, that can be devastating."

"I know, but let me ask you.", Eric began to ask, "Has he taken an unhealthy interest in your daughter. Any signs of being more overly protective than normal."

"I mean a little, but he's her Godfather.", said Robert, "He just lost the love of his life. That could make anyone be a little more overprotective of loved ones. He hasn't seen Sarah in over a year, he was still expecting to see a shy awkward girl. I think her appearance took him by surprise."

"That's exactly my point.", said Eric, "He wasn't expecting a beautiful young woman."

"Look.", said Robert, "You have been more than kind to Sarah, and me. I am truly grateful, but I cannot believe what you are hinting at. My brother loves Sara, but only as a niece. I mean I can't believe what your saying."

"Listen, I don't think Jonathan Gilmore has an obsession with Sarah.", said Eric ,"But watching your thirty-eight year old wife, drop dead of a heart attack, could cause a severe mental breakdown. Sometimes the human psyche can't handle these situations, and trauma could lead to the development of a duel identity.

"What are you a psychiatrist now?", asked an annoyed Robert.

"No, but I've been on the force for a little over twenty years.", said Eric, "Most of those years were with the NYPD. Let's just say I've seen a lot of cases were even sudden mental trauma, can negatively effect the mind. Now, you said that your wife died six months ago. But you said that he hasn't seen Sarah in a year. Why didn't he attend your wife's funeral?"

"Because he was just inaugurated as the mayor, he couldn't just take off.", Robert responded while getting upset, "Look this is crazy. My brother doesn't have mental disorder, let alone a duel identity."

"Did your brother ever have feelings for your late wife, and does Sarah resemble her in anyway?", asked Eric.

"Not that it's any of your business.", replied Robert, "Yes, Sarah resembles her mother. Yes Helen and Jonathan dated before in High School, and yes she broke his heart. Then Helen, and I, started dating couple of years later. He was angry at both of us for a while, but then he met Karen. He absolutely adored her. In fact, Karen was the one who convinced us all to get over any previously hurt feelings."

"It's jut starting to fit a profile.", said Eric, "I know your brother loved his late wife, but his feeling for your late wife perhaps never completely went away."

"I can assure you that Jonathan's feelings towards Helen were completely platonic!", replied Robert. He couldn't believe what the Detective was saying.

"All I know is that these four strange deaths, revolved around both Sarah, and Jonathan.", said Eric, "The murders of the three men were at his house. Also, his brother-in-law, died while on a date with Sarah. Your Brother just happened to show up soon afterwards. He was also quite nervous when I asked him about."

"First of all!", Robert began, "They were not on a date. I mean Todd was thirty, I wouldn't let him date my sixteen year old daughter. Second, Jonathon's the mayor, was it really that unusual for him to be downtown? Third, of course he was nervous. His wife, and her brother, just died unexpectedly in a two month period."

"Okay, I'm just going to come out and tell you.", said Eric, "Jonathan has been under investigation for the last six weeks. There has been accusations of mishandled city funds. There has also been some evidence of that Jonathan may have laundered $10,000, from the city's treasury."

"What sort of evidence?", asked Robert, "Do realize what you're accusing my brother of?"

"I can't go into exact details.", said Eric, "But, I can tell you this. Around the same time, the money went missing, your brother made a $10,000 donation to the girl's college. It wasn't given to the alumni association, or the school itself. It was given to the school's historical society. It's more of a bribe. The condition was that the society's student members, all young women, study the manor every week."

"This is crazy, what your saying about my brother.", said Robert, "It's insane, he would never do this. My brother isn't ready to move on from Karen. How can you be insinuating such a thing? You think he was so desperate to find a new girlfriend, that he stole $10,000. On top of that, you believe he wants Sarah. She's my daughter, he's my brother. They're blood relatives."

"Your daughter said that Michael Winworth raped her last night, even though she was dreaming.", said Eric, "There have been cases where a woman has dreamt that she was raped. She swears it felt too real to not have actually happened. It is then later found that she was raped, while she was asleep."

"Wait!," exclaimed Robert, "You think my brother raped my daughter? How can you make that accusation?  Jonathan would never, I mean never, hurt Sarah."

"Again, I don't think Jonathan would either, said Eric, "But, if he took on a duel personality, that other personality might. Maybe because of the superstition surrounding the manor, and the way Karen died so suddenly. If he has a duel personality, maybe his duel personality is Michael Winworth. Your daughter is so traumatized right now, he could have easily convinced her that he is Michael."

"You know what Detective?", said Robert, "You have no right to diagnose my brother with anything. You are neither a doctor, nor a psychiatrist. Now! I could stand here, and angrily defend my brother all day. But you see, I can't do that right now! I have a sixteen year old daughter that is in the ER. Who's here because she was beaten, and raped by three thugs! She's waiting to be admitted for overnight observation! So, she needs me right now. I don't have time for nonsense! By the way, I hope you don't find the guy who killed them. I don't care what the hell he did to them! As far as I'm concerned, he's a hero, not a murderer! Now, I think it might be best if you leave! If there's anyone, who seems to have an unhealthy obsession with my daughter, it's you!" Robert gave the Detective an angry stare, before turning to walk away. As headed back to Sarah, he ran into Jonathan.

"I'm so sorry this happened to Sarah!", Jonathan cried, while embracing his brother, "How is she?"

"As good as can be expected, I assume.", replied Robert, "That seems to be the normal answer, about her well being, these days."

"Are there any leads on who killed her attackers?", asked Jonathan.

"Not yet, but I-", said Robert, "Jonathan how did you know the attackers were killed?"

"You, you, told me over the phone.", replied Jonathan.

"Huh?", said a confused Robert, "I guesss I don't remember telling you that."

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