Chapter Twenty Four: Familial Bonds

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Jonathan was sitting on the steps in the foyer.  Riddled with guilt, he just sat there.  He kept staring at the floor.  How did things get to this point?  Jonathan couldn't help but notice the irony of his surroundings.  Just like his life, this once glorious manor,  was now broken and crumbling around hm.  He wondered if there was a point to anything anymore.

"Jon", he heard a sweet familiar voice say.  There she was, the love of his live.  But, she was now an unfortunate spirit, trapped inside a decaying prison.  The optimism, that made her shine, was now gone.  She was a displaced soul. He was saddened to see her forced to wear a maid's uniform.

"Karen!", he cried, "Oh my God!  What has he done to you?"  He then went to her, and embrace her cold ghostly form. Jonathan began to cry. The chill was just a reminder of what he had lost.  She was always so heartwarming, but she was literally a chilling reminder of her former self.

"Why Jonathan?", she asked, "Why did you do it?  How could you do this to Robert?  How could yo do this to Sarah?"

"I didn't have a choice, Karen.", cried Robert, "I couldn't stand the thought of you trapped here forever.  I would do anything for you.  I love you.  It's not like he will mistreat Sarah.  He loves her.  If anything he'd worship her.  Just like I should be doing with you."

"A gilded cage is still a prison, Jonathan.", cried Karen, "We never had children of our own.  Sarah was the closest we ever had to a daughter.  You shouldn't have betrayed her like that.  I will always love you Jonathan, but I don't know if I can forgive you."

"Karen.", replied Jonathan, "He threatened you, and Todd, if I didn't help him.  I couldn't let him hurt you."

"I know.", she replied, "But you let it get that far. You should have ignored Lord Winworth's first warning.  You should have told Robert the truth."

"Lord Winworth?", asked Jonathan, "That son of a bitch is making you call him Lord Winworth?"

"Please Jonathan, not so loud.", said Karen, "I don't want him to be angry with you."

"Believe me Karen, Lord Winworth, is plenty angry with me.", he said in snarky tone, "I've pissed him off plenty of times. But as long as he's in Robert's body, he is somewhat limited in what he can hear.  I'm glad, at least I know you still care about me." 

"I will always love and care for you, Jonathan,", smiled Karen, "Even when you make mistakes, which is a lot."  Jonathan just smile back at her.

"Karen listen to me.", he began, "I didn't come here without some knowledge of the situation.  I have been reading some of Father Thomas's notes.  The one's he was using to study the kind of magic Michael was using.  He was preparing for an exorcism of this place. Whoever is the life force controls the void.  That means Sarah, not Michael, will be in charge.  She can expel him, and then release all of the souls."

"Yes.", replied Karen, "But them she's be trapped here forever, alone."

"She wouldn't have to be.", said Jonathan, "We could stay here, we would be together forever.  So could Robert, and Todd.  The five of us would be a family."

"Jonathan.", replied Karen, "Don't you see, that's no better than what Lord Winworth is trying."

"Lord Winworth, Lord Winworth!", he exclaimed, "I'm sick of hearing about Lord Winworth.  I know it isn't the best solution But it's better than what he has planned.  As soon as they're married, we'll inform her.  Sarah will do the right thing.  She will help everyone.  She'll be the one with the power."

"Do you really think my brother hasn't thought of this already?", asked Jason, "I assure you he has already figured out away around it.  He always does.'

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