Thank You!!!!!!!!!

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Author's Notes:

For those of you who made it to the end, A big thanks! It's almost sad that it's come to an end. All of Your votes, and kind comments really meant a lot to me. ♥️ 💕 😊  

A special shout out to charmewolf,  DeborahAshun5, and unbeknonstshae for your support of this story.  Your daily voting was a big boost for my ego.  It's nice to feel appreciated every now, and then.  I am also grateful for any votes I received, comments, or even the fact that people  just took time to read my work. 

It's very flattering to know that others appreciated my concept, and general ideas for this story.  Some plotlines changed along the way.  Things I originally planned were dropped, while other ideas just popped into my head the more I wrote.

If you liked this story, please feel free to check out another completed story that I have written here on Wattpad.

Neither Heaven or Hell: The Vampire's Ultimate Fate.

Thank You

Heidi ❤️ 


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