Chapter Thirty One: ...We Are Doomed To Repeat It

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Eric looked at the picture in the brochure, on the way to the Guggenheim Museum. The man looked like he was modeling, for the cover, of a trashy romance novel. His portrait almost looked too real to be a painting. Then again, no one has abs like that in real life. It had to be a painting. Apparently the painting had recently been discovered, in an old house in England.

The Patriarch had just died, and it was found in his cellar. The art world went crazy when it was discovered. No one had ever seen such a life like portrait. His grandson was now taking it to different museums, for a round the world tour. The painting had just toured Europe, and now it was starting it's North America Tour. Twelve differnt museums, a week each museum. The first stop was the Guggenheim Museum.

"Typical.", thought Eric, "Some old man dies, and the family starts raiding his house. They probably never even visited the poor guy the whole he was still alive." Eric then looked at the picture of the grandson, Arthur Davis. Eric couldn't help notice that he was an extremely good looking guy.

"Oh crap!", thought Eric, "This is why we're going."

"Oh, um Dad.", said Erica, "There's something I forgot to tell you. There's only women in our art history group. Soo...your going to be the only guy there."

"Gee.", said Eric in a sarcastic tone, "I'm going to be the guy there, what a shock."

"What is that supposed to mean, Dad?", asked Erica.

"It means that I have bad feeling that we're only going to this thing, is because you two want to meet this Arthur Davis guy.", replied Eric.

"No, that's why I'm going.", said Melody, "Erica's going because she fascinated by the painting, as well as wanting to meet Arthur Davis. But I already told her, he's my future husband."

"Melody do you have to chase after every good guy?', asked Erica.

"Yes.",replied Melody, "Because most the good ones are taken. Like you father, for example here."

"Melody!", said Erica. Shooting her friend a wide eyed look."

"What?',asked Melody, "Don't tell me, that you don't know your father's cute."

"I never really thought of it.", said Erica, "Next time your father visits, I'm going flirt with him."

"No you're not.", replied Melody.

"Why not?", asked Erica.

"Because while your Dad kinda looks like Lando Calrissian, my Dad looks a lot like Jabba The Hutt.", Melody answered.

"Oh.", replied Erica sounding disappointed.

"Hey, let's change subject.", said Eric, "Although I will thank you, Melody, for the Billy Dee Williams comparison. So, why do you want to see this painting so bad?" Erica then pointed to the brochure he was holding.

"That is probably the most amazing likenesses I've, ever seen.", said Erica, "But those eyes are almost hypnotic, it just draws you into the painting." Eric just furrowed his brow.

"I don't see that either Mr. Johnson.", said Melody. "I will say the one fascinating thing is how it wasn't completed. I mean he's obviously holding a woman in soft pink gown. But her hands, and her face were never completed."

"It's sad, really.", said Erica, It's almost like she died before he could complete it, or he's looking for someone else to join him in the painting. Kind of romantic if you think about it."

"Erica, what are you talking about?", her father asked, "There's nothing in the brochure that says that."

"I know.", said Erica, "That's why I love art so much. You can always come up with your own story, just by studying a painting. You know Dad, back then, art was the closest they ever got to multi-media entertainment."

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