Chapter Six: Forbidden Fruit

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Todd, and Sarah, made there way into the restaurant and each ordered the combo special. Robert called her, and she told him that she ran into Todd. They were going to grab a burger, and then Todd would bring her right home.

"So what makes this the best burger joint in town?, Sarah asked.

"Well.", Todd began, "There are many factors to consider. First there's food quality, then price value, restaurant cleanliness, how friendly the service is, and then there's the one factor that's the most important of all."

Oh yeah, what's that?", she asked, with a flirty smile.

"There's also the fact that this is the only burger joint in town.", he replied. She looked at him and just laughed.

"Yeah, I think this is the only American town that doesn't have a Mconald's in it.", she said, "So have you been here for two months?"

"Pretty much.", he replied, "When Karen died I took a three month sabbatical from work. I was hoping to help Jonathan cope with the situation. It hit both of us pretty hard, but he's just been so distant. He's not the same person. After what happened today, I think maybe it would be best if I just go back to New York. I'm not really helping him, and I can't really put my life on hold anymore."

"I know Daddy's really worried about him.", she said, "I mean Dadday was devastated by my Mom's death, but not like Uncle Jon. He has been hit much harder with Aunt Karen's passing."

"Well, you also have to keep in mind that your father has you.", he told her, "Jonathan, and Karen, never had children. He doesn't have the support you father has. How are you coping with your mother's death."

"It's been really hard on me.", she replied, "I'm at that age where I could use a mother right now. I have so many questions that I can't ask my father. I know girls younger that me that have already had sex, and I've never even kissed a guy."

"I find that hard to believe.", said Todd, "I have to be honest with you Sarah, a part of me wishes you were five years older. But don't tell your Dad that. I think he would kill me." Sarah just smiled at him.

"It'll be out little secret.", she said.

So how have you been doing since Aunt Karen died?", she asked.

"Well okay, considering.", he replied, It just destroyed my parents. They saw a therapist, he suggested they just getaway for a while. They just started a thirty day European cruise a couple days ago, I hope it helps. What's really been hard is dealing with some of the nut jobs in this town."

"What do you mean?", she asked.

"I mean people that I don't even know, some of the weird things they've said to me.", he told her.

"Like What?", she asked.

"Like they think that an evil spirit killed my sister, out of spite.", he replied, "Because she was trying to have the manor torn down. It was her dream to own a hotel on the beach. The manor seemed like the perfect spot for it. After Jonathan was elected mayor, that's when things started to move forward. That's when they brought you father on board. Then, all of a sudden, she drops dead form a heart attack. Just like that, she was a thirty-eight year old woman. Do you have any idea how rare that is?"

"No, but I know it's not common.", said Sarah, "You know, Uncle Jon told my father the deal was off. He said the city councilors changed their minds, but my father had too many investors lined up. So Uncle Jon told him that the only option was to find a different location. That's why we had to come out here, for my father to find another location along the shoreline. He also thought it would be good for me to get out of town for awhile. I have a lot of guilt over my Mom's death." Todd shot her a strange look as he paid the check, and they left the restaurant.

"Why would you feel guilty?", he asked.

"The night before my Mom died", she began, "It was a Saturday, I was out with some friends. They all had eleven o'clock, or midnight curfews. Mine was ten, I was never that happy about it. We were having so much, I lost track of the time. I was just five minutes late, but she was still mad when I walked in the door. Daddy had already gone to bed. She grounded me for two weeks, for just five lousy minutes. Needless to say I wasn't happy with her. The next day she woke me up for church. I said I wasn't going. I was so mad at her, I just didn't want be anywhere near her. We argued about it for thirty minutes, until finally I screamed that I hated her. You should have seen the look on her face. I don't think I had ever seen her so hurt, and I was so proud of myself. She had made me so mad, and I really struck it to her. I went back to bed. Daddy usually didn't work on Sundays, but it was the only day he could meet with this real estate client. Two hours after Mom left, I heard Daddy come home. He then yelled my name. I was so sure that she had called, and told him what happened, that he was going to be angry at me. Except when I saw him, it wasn't anger in his eyes, he was crying. He then grabbed me, and held me tight. That's when he told me Mom had been killed by a drunk driver. The bastard ran a stoplight while she was crossing the street. Do you know why she was crossing street?" Tears began to Sarah's stream down face."

"No why?", asked Todd.

"She had to park in lot across the street.", Sarah cried, "Because I held her up by arguing with her for a half an hour. By the time she got to church, all of the church's parking spaces were taken. So she had to park in the city lot across the street. All that keeps running through my head is, What If I had done some things differently? What if I had gotten home on time, what if I just had gone to church with her, what if he last words I said to her were't that I hated her? I don't feel so proud of myself now, that was the last thing I ever said to her. Maybe if I hadn't of said it, she might not have been so distracted. Maybe she would have seen the car coming." Sarah began kept crying, and Todd put her in a carrying embrace.

"Listen Sarah.", he began, "Life just happens sometimes, your mother's death wasn't your fault. It was the fault of the rat bastard, who not only decided to get drunk on a Sunday morning, but was also stupid enough to get behind the wheel of a car. You can't play the what if game all of your life. If you keep looking back, on how the past could have been differnt, you'll never move forward. Like the late great John Lennon once said, 'Life is what happens when you start making plans.', and look what happened to him. You do know who John Lennon was, right?" Sarah looked at Todd, and smiled.

"Of course I do, he was in the Monkees." Todd gave her an odd look, and then realized she was kidding. They both bursted out laughing. Then all of a sudden, they stared into each other's eyes. Without thinking, Todd leaned in for a kiss. He then realized what he was doing, and quickly backed away.

"I'm sorry Sarah, I shouldn't have done that." , he said while apologizing, "For a second, I forgot you were a sixteen year old girl."

"It's okay.", she replied, "I wasn't exactly fighting you off of me." She then felt a chill in the air, it began to frighten her."

"SHE IS MINE!", the hauntingly masculine voice declared. Sarah then looked at Todd. He all of a sudden had trouble breathing, and his eyes rolled in the back of his head. To her horror he fell to the ground, and began have convulsions and seizures. Blood began to pooring of his mouth.


Jonathan came home from work, and saw a flashing light on his answering machine.

"Hey Jonathan, it's Robert.", the message said, "Look I called Sarah and hour ago, she's fine. Now don't get upset, she ran into Todd. He just took her out for a burger, and then he's bringing her right home. It's all completely innocent. My meeting with the developer just rapped up, so I should be back soon. Anyway, I know you were concerned about her. I just wanted to let you know everything was okay." Jonathan began to feel uneasy, and then he heard Michael's angry voice inside his head.


"Oh my god!", cried Jonathan, "Todd!"

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