Chapter: Ninteen: Things Arent Always As They Seem

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Detective Johnson had returned the police station. He went over the M.E.'s autopsy reports of the five victims. Evangeline's was pretty cut, and dry, a brain hemorrhage. That he already figured out, she had been kicked in the head. The other four, not so much. The reports had little to no explanations. Todd's heart, and lungs, had exploded. However there was no evidence of any kind of an accelerant, but there was no known natural cause.

At least Todd had a body. Sarah's three assailants were obliterated. Again no known natural cause, and no form of an accelerant found. There wasn't even anything left to identify the bodies. Some of the officers even became sick, when they saw the aftermath.

The only evidence they had, besides Sarah's identification of Alex Nelson, was the DNA sample taken from her mouth. That report still hadn't come back from the lab, yet. But he was sure results would prove that, whatever was left of the bodies, at least some of it was Alex. A voice analysis expert had gone over the 911 call. He had called back rather quickly.

"Please.", said Eric, "Tell me the reason you were able to finish your analysis so quickly, is because you have some good news."

"I wish I could Detective.", he replied.

"Let me guess.", replied Eric slightly frustrated, "You can't analysis the murderer's voice. Is there something wrong with the tape?"

"No.", replied the analyzer, "That's what's odd, there's nothing wrong with the tape."

"What do you mean?", asked Eric.

"Do you have a copy of it?", he asked Eric.

"Yes, I have a copy right here.", said Eric.

"I think you'll have to hear it for yourself.", said the analyzer.

"Fine.", replied Eric, "But I'm keeping you on the line." He then listened to the recording.

"911, what is your emergency?"  {Long Pause}

"We'll send and ambulance over right away."  {Long Pause}

"Can I have your name, and phone number please."   {Long Pause}

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Did you just say you brutally murdered them"?

"What the hell!?", exclaimed Eric, "Why can't you hear the caller's voice!?"

"I don't know.", said the analyzer, "I've listened to that tape over a dozen times.  There's nothing wrong with it.  It's as if the caller doesn't even exist. "

"This is driving me nuts, I have no evidence. Thanks anks anyway", Eric said while hanging up the phone, "Jenkins! Get me through to the dispatcher that took the 911 call, on the Gilmore case.

"Right away sir.", She then called, and patched the dispatcher through to Eric.

"Hello.", said Eric, "Are you the dispatcher, who talked to the man, who reported Sarah Gilmore's rape?"

"Yes I am, sir", she replied.

"Besides confessing to triple homicide, was there anything else peculiar about the call?", Eric asked.

"Well, this is going to sound crazy.", she began, "But, after I got over the shock of  what he said to me, well-"

"Well what ?",  Eric asked impatiently.

"Look.", she began, "I can't explain it.  It was if, it was if-"

"Is was as if what!?", asked Eric, now obviously frustrated, "I don't care how odd it sounds, just tell me what was so damn strange about it!"

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