Chapter Twemty Three: The Lady Of The Manor

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Author's Note
Since there will be dialogue going back and forth between Michael, and Robert, I thought it would be easier to understand with different style scripts.  Michael's dialogue will be in normal script, while Robert's with be in italics.

As Michael walked around the manor, still inside Robert's body, he began to communicate with Robert.

"Well what do you think of my humble abode?"

It's a piece of shit!"

"I'll have you know that this is still one of the most massive estates in the U.S.  Not only that, but the entire world."

"Okay, it's a massive piece of shit!"

"You know you really don't want to try my patience.  I will not be disrespected in my home. Besides, we're going to be family soon."

"My daughter is not marrying you!"

"She will, or she will watch you die.  I doubt she will choose the latter.  I want Sarah to be happy.  If you work with me, I will let you stay in the east wing.  However your time with her will be limited.  It will be my choosing of when, and for how long.  I suggest you get on my good side."

"How thoughtful of your majesty. I'm just so honored that you'd even considered it."

"If that attitude doesn't change soon, you will soon regret it.  True, I can't kill you.  I need you alive so Sarah will agree to marry me.  But you have no idea what I'm capable of, I can do far worse then just kill you."

"And what are you going to do to me?  Take possession of my body?  Kill my sister-in-law?  Threaten her soul, so my brother obeys your every command, kill Todd? RAPE MY DAUGHTER!?"

"I DID NOT RAPE SARAH!  We made love!"

"BULLSHIT!  I have your memories now!  It was bad enough that you almost made me kiss her, but you molested her!  You kept her from crying out for help!  I was in the next room, and I didn't even know she was being hurt!  She was crying, and you kept her silent.  I couldn't help her!  Oh God!  She was crying out for me, and you silenced her!  I now have your memories of what you did to her!  They are from your point of view!"

"I'm sorry I hurt her, but I stopped when I realized it!"

"Yes, but then you took control of her mind!  You created some sort of little fantasy world!  You manipulated her, and used her own body to selfishly satisfy your own sick twisted desires!  Oh God!  I can still see it unfold through your eyes.  She tried to tell me, but I would listen!"

"I didn't do anything Sarah didn't want!  That fantasy was her's!  I gave into her desires, and let her choose what she wanted."

"You lowered her inhibitions, that's the same as drugging her. THAT IS RAPE! Even if it had been completely, one hundred percent consensual, she is only sixteen.  That automatically makes it RAPE!"

"Your laws don't apply here.  This is my realm.  Here I make the laws, and here I am God! 

"You can call yourself the Emperor of dog shit, for all I care!  But in the end, you know the truth!  You're a rapist, and a pedophile!"  

Michael began to get angry.  He didn't like being talk to in such a manner, but he knew he had to remain calm.  If he harmed her father, Sarah would hate him.  He then began to walk down to the cellar.

"Let me show you some real rapists."  Robert looked in horror as to what was unfolding in front of him. Three souls were being mercilessly tortured.  Their screams of agony were unbearable.  Michael pointed to Alex's soul.

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