Chapter Twenty: Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire

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"I asked you a question princess, what's your name?"

"Am I making you cry? Because my friends, and I can make you feel real good."

"Do we make you scared, Sarah?"

"Do we Baby? I bet we do, and I bet it's just turning you on."

"Those little panties of yours, must be soaking wet by now."

"On your knees, princess!"



"And you'd better enjoy it, sweetheart!"


"Who's Michael? Your Daddy?"


Sarah woke up with a gasp. She turned on the light, and saw that she was alone. Where was her father? She was now too frightened, to go back to sleep. Not just fear from reliving the near gang rape, but that Michael could also enter her dreams again.

Sarah had never before felt so alone. She thought about ringing for the nurse, but what could they do? They had work to do, and other parents in their care. She wasn't the only one. If anything, they might give her a sleeping pill. That was the last thing she needed.

She went to use the bathroom. Her body was aching form being punched, by Alex, in the abdomen. As she washed her hands, she looked in the mirror. It was the first time she had a good look at face since the attack. It wasn't that bad, considering, but it was still a reminder of how bad things were. Sarah then began to cry.

"Why can't we just go home?", she thought, "I want things back to normal. I don't want violated, I don't want to witness anymore more people dying, and I don't want to be stalked by a ghost." When her mother died, she couldn't imagine how life could get any worse. Unfortunately, now she knew how it could. Sarah then made her way back to the bed. It was then that she noticed Aaron's business card.

"Please call me if you need me.-Aaron"

Sarah's cellphone was still back at her uncles's house, so she used the phone in her room.  Hopefully, she wasn't calling too late.

"Hello?", said Aaron as she picked up the phone.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Mrs. Smith.", said Sarah, "I'm just scared.  My father isn't here yet, and I didn't know where else to turn.

"Don't apologize, that's why I gave you my number.", said Aaron, "Do you need to talk? And please, call me Aaron."

"Yes, I do need to talk.", replied Sarah, "I keep having nightmares.  I just keep reliving it.  I feel so helpless, but at the same time I feel guilty."  She began to cry.

"Sarah, a lot of victims feel guilty.", replied Aaron, "But sweetie, the assault was not your fault.  You didn't do anything to deserve being violated like that."

"But their deaths were my fault.", cried Sarah, "I called for his help. I didn't want his help, but I didn't know what else to do.  Even though he killed them violently, I'm glad he was there.  He saved my life, and took care of me until help arrived.  He not only got rid of them, to save me. He's the one who called 911. A part of me hates him.  He can be evil, cruel, and sadistic.  But he can also be gentle, loving, and kind. He was there when I needed him most.  When I'm not with him, I fear him.  But I feel safe, and warm when I'm in his arms. It's as if he has two personalities.  I love the good half, but hate the evil one.  He held me in place, and molested me.  But then he stopped when he realized he was hurting me.  He lowered my inhibitions, and manipulated me for his own sexual desires.  Yet his touch was loving, and gentle. I'm ashamed to admit it, but it was very arousing. A part of me wanted him to stop, but another part of me wanted him to continue.  I'm so confused.  How can the same act feel like both rape, and love making at the same time. He scares me.  Not just because he's dark, and powerful.  But because I can feel something for him, and I don't want to.  He's a monster! I also don't want him to take me away.  He says if I don't marry him, he's going to kill my father.  I love my father, but no matter what I do, I lose my dad either way.  I don't want to go away with him forever. I don't want be taken away from those I love.  But I can't stop thinking about him.  I'm just so,confused, please help me."

"It sounds to me like Stockholm Syndrome.", replied Aaron, "But Sarah, who are you talking about?"

"Michael Winworth.", Sarah replied, "I know you don't believe me."

"Sarah, it's not that I don't believe you.", said Aaron, "I just think that everything you've been through, in the last two days, has altered your perception of reality.  I'm not saying that these things aren't happening to you.  I think it's a real person in your life, whom you care about.  But, your mind can't handle the fact that a loved one is hurting you.  So your mind creates a persona of another predator, besides the actual one. Don't you see?  If the real perpetrator is somone you love, and trust.  This may be what is leading to your confusion. I also think if this person is obsessed with you, it would explain why he killed those men for assaulting you.  Sarah, who's really hurting you?"

"I just told you.", replied Sarah, "It's Michael Winworth.  I'm not crazy."

"I didn't say you are.", said Aaron, "I just think confused right now.  With what you've been through, I would think you were crazy if you didn't have misperceptions of reality."

"I'm not-", Sarah began.

"Sarah!", said Robert (Michael).  Sarah still had the phone receiver up to her ear.

"Daddy?", cried Sarah, "My father's here, he's coming down the hall, Aaron. I need to go."

"Wait Sarah!", said Aaron, "Don't hang up the phone, I need to talk to him."

"Okay", said Sarah. She laid the phone receiver on the night stand, and got out of bed to greet him. As soon as he walked into the room she threw her arms around him.  She began to cry.

"Daddy, I'm so glad you're here!", she cried.  He wrapped his arms around her in a loving embrace. She looked up at him, and smiled.  He smiled back, and with one hand, gently caressed her face.

"My beautiful Sarah.", he said with love in his eyes.

"Daddy, please listen to me!", she exclaimed, We have to leave now, we have to go home!"

"That's why I'm here.", he said smiling, "To take you home, with me.  I promise you my dear Sarah, no one will ever harm you again". He looked at her, and smiled.  She smiled back with tears in her eyes.  She was happy, he was going to take her somewhere safe.  Again, he gently caressed her cheek.

"Your so beautiful Sarah.", he told her, "So lovely, so delicate-"  Then, forgetting about who's body he was occupying, he leaned in for a passionate kiss.

"Daddy! What are you doing!?" , she screamed in horror, as she tried pushing him away.

"I'm sorry Sarah.", he replied, "I just missed you so much, I wasn't thinking princess."  Sarah wasn't buying it. She just kept staring at him, with confusion, right into his eyes.  Those eyes, they were different.  They didn't actually look different, but they were hypnotic.  With a horrified look upon her face, it dawned on her what was happening.

"Oh my God!", she cried, You're not my father!  What have you done with-? Where is my father?"  Sarah had forgotten the Aaron was still listening to everything over the phone.

"Sarah!?", cried Aaron, "Sarah what's happening!? What's going on!?  Sarah!? SARAH!?"  Robert (Michael) then looked over at the phone.  With just a wave of his hand, he was able to severe the phone connection.  As Arron heard the phone click off, she began to panic.  What the hell was going on over there?  She then called Detective Johnson.  She knew he would be in bed by now, but he was going to want to know wha happened.

"Hello?", said Eric, rather groggy, and annoyed.

"Eric!  It's Aaron!", she said, "You need to get down to the hospital, right away!"

"What's wrong?", he asked,

"It's Sarah Gilmore!", she replied, "She's in a lot of danger!  Only it isn't her uncle who's been violating her!  It's her father!"

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