Chapter Twenty One: With Whom Can You Trust?

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Sarah was terrified. She realized that Michael had taken possession of her father's body. With fear in her eyes, she slowly backed away from him.

"What have you done with my father?", she cried.  He came towards her, and smiled at her.  With his right hand, he lightly ran his fingers through her hair.

"He's here Sarah, he's safe.", Robert (Michael) responded, As long as you cooperate, no harm shall come to him."

"Why? Why are you doing this?", she asked while in tears. He then took both hands, and cupped both sides of her face. Robert (Michael) stared into her eyes. As he lightly held her face in his hands, he caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. Sarah slowly began to bend to his will.

"You know why Sarah.", he responded, "We belong together. You are mine, and only mind. This was inevitable, you knew I was coming for you. No one was going to stand in my way. Not Todd, not Alex, not even your father. You never belonged to any of them, you belong to me. Now if you're a good, and cooperate, your father won't have to share the same fate. If you don't, well I'm afraid that he's the one who'll pay for it.  You know I will never harm you. Now Sarah-." Suddenly, he looked as though he was beginning to struggle. For just a short while, Robert was able to take control over his body.

"RUN SARAH!", her actual father yelled, snapping Sarah out of her trance. As both identities struggled for control, over Robert's body. Sarah ran out of the room. As she ran down the hall, she saw nurses and other night staff laying motionless on the floor. We're they dead, had he killed them?

"Sarah! Come back here!", she heard her possessed father yell, "You know you can't hide from me! We are destined to be together forever! I love you Sarah! I'm never letting you go! Wherever you try to run and hide, I will find you! You are forever mine Sarah, and I am forever your's! The sooner you accept that, the easier it will be on all of us!"

Sarah franticly began pushing elevator buttons, and tried opening stairwell doors. But the elevators would just pass the floor, and the stairwell doors were also jammed shut. He must be using his powers to block access to the floor. No one could come in, and no one could leave.

"Sarah!", he continued to yell. She hid behind the Nurse's station, and began to cry. What was she going to do? Again she was afraid for her father, she didn't want him to die.  But, she also feared the idea of Michael keeping her forever.  As she stayed there, she held her knees to her chest.  Fear, and uncertainty, was causing her to continue crying. It was at that moment, she saw her uncle.

"Oh thank God!", she thought. She then ran towards him, she thought he could protect her.

"Uncle Jon.", she whispered.

"Sarah what are you doing to of your room?", he whispered back.

"Sarah where are you?", Robert (Michael) yelled. Sarah hugged her uncle, and began to cry.

"Uncle Jon.", she cried, "Michael has taken possession of Daddy. I know your won't believe me, but it's true. You have to help me get out of here. We're in danger if we stay. Come on, he have to go, now!" As she began to try and flee, her uncle grabbed her. He wasn't going to let here get away this time. She gave him a puzzling look.

"I know it sounds crazy.", she told him, "But trust me, we have to go!" Again he held her in place. Why wasn't he letting her go? Why wouldn't he let her run?  Something was wrong. She just kept looking at his emotionless stare.

"Well! I'm glad to see you finally did something right!", exclaimed "Robert (Micheal). Sarah didn't turn around to look at him. She kept her eyes on Jonathan. It was unfathomable, to her. How could he betray her? She thought he loved her. Jonathan then looked down at her. He had both tears, and sorrow in his eyes."

"I'm sorry, Sarah.", Jonathan explained, "I didn't have a choice." She just kept looking at him in disbelief. Tears welled up in her eyes, and began to stream down her face.

"No! No! It can't be?", she cried, "It was you? You were the one that Mom was trying to warn me about? You were the one she said not to trust?  I can't believe it's you!"

"Sarah I-", Jonathan began. At that moment she felt her possessed father standing behind her. He came towards her, holding a blanket, and gently wrapped it around her shoulders."

"I don't want you to get too cold, my love", "Robert (Michael) whispered, "Sarah, you need to turn around, and look at me." She slowly turned around, to see her own father giving her a loving smile. It wasn't the kind of smile, that a father would give his daughter.  It was one that a man would give to his lover. Michael, staring at her like that through her  father's eyes, felt disturbing to her.  When she first realized, that Michael had taken possession of him, she thought her mother was warning her about him. She never thought Jonathan would willingly betray her like this. Sarah than looked at the unconscious bodies on the floor.

"Are these people dead?", cried Sarah.

"No, Sarah.", Robert (Michael) told her, "I promise you they're just asleep. They will all wake up in a few hours. By then, the two of us will have departed this realm. I know hurting people upsets you Sarah, I don't want to upset you. Plus there was no reason to kill them. There was no need for all these senseless deaths. Now my dear, it's time we left. You wouldn't want to be late for your own wedding." At this point, Sarah felt numb. She didn't say anything, nor did she react to him. Sarah knew there was nowhere for her to run, She was now his, and she didn't have any idea on how she could ever get away from him. He then bent down, and whispered in her ear.

"I need you to go to sleep Sarah." His voice was soothing, and hypnotic.  She immediately fell into a sleep like trance, as her body went limp.  He carefully scooped her up, and cradled her lovingly.  Again, without thinking, he almost kissed her on the lips.

"Could your please not do that in my brother's body?", asked a disgusted Jonathan.

"You're right.", said Robert (Michael), "I wasn't thinking.  A parent shouldn't act that way towards a child.  Of course, that didn't stop my mother. None of this really is any of your concern. I just know that it would bother Sarah.  Besides, we need to leave soon, anyway. That woman Aaron, who's a rape counselor, was on the phone when I came for Sarah. She heard everything.  I'm sure she's notified the good Detective by now. My guess is the police will soon be on their way. Being corporeal, has it's benefits. My powers are stronger, but I can no longer read minds. I won't be able to use that to my advantage. But, I warn you Jonathan, don't try and take advantage of this handicap. If you do, let's just say the consequences would be more than dire. Now then, shall we go. Cheer up Jonathan, don't look so down all the time. It's not everyday that one daughter, or even a niece gets married. This should be a Joyous occasion. I know I'm looking forward to it. Sarah of course will make the most beautiful bride."

"Just promise me you'll keep your word.", said Jonathan, who was taken aback, by Michael's comment about his mother. Jonathan, however, chose to ignore it.

"Don't worry Jonathan.", replied Robert (Michael) with a wicked smile, "You will be rewarded, as you so rightfully deserve."

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