Before Part 2

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New Look, New Life
Delance walks into Royal rides hood low over her eyes. As soon as she's inside she flips it off and walks to the front desk. "I'm here to see Crystal." She says and the receptionist pushes a button.
Just monents later Crystal steps out of the elevator. "Ah. It's good to see you. It's been 5 years." Sge walks over abd hugs Delance.
"Could we talk?" Delance asks lowly and Crystal leads her into the elevator which they ride up to the third floor.
"What is it Delance?" Crystal asks.
"I've decided to paint a clean slate. I was hoping you could help. I know that your father died only a few months ago and I'd understand if you didn't want to..." Delance begins and Crystal rolls her eyes.
"Of course I'll help you. We've both been through similar events. Your boyfriend died in your arms and my fiance died in mine. We also were shot at in Turkey remember." She says and Delance smiles gratefully.
"Thank you Crystal. I've decided to become a professionaly surfer but I don't want anyone to recognize me or know who I am. You know, a new look, name, stuff like that. What do you think?" Delance asks.
"I think we need my friends here for this. Don't worry. They don't know about what happened 5 years ago." Crystal says and rings her friends.
Only 5 minutes later do they arrive. "Hey Crystal." They hug theur friend and look at Delance curiously.
"This is Delance Fisher a secret friend of mine. She needs a new look and name. She's going to be a professional surfer." Crystal explains and Delance waves shyly.
The two girls smile. "We're Maddison amd Coraline. I'll do your looks, Maddison your name and Crystal will do all the computer documentation stuff." The girl named Coraline says and Maddison sits down at a computer opposite Crystal. The two begin typing almost imediantly.
Coraline walked over to Delance and looked at her closely. "Hm. So a surfer. Let's see." Coraline sat beside Delance and furrowed her brow in concentration.
"When should your birthday be?" Crystal asks.
"October 29th. It was..." Delance said and Crystal nodded.
"Of course. Is there anything I need to put on that's needed?" Crystal asks sympathetically.
"I'm allergic to reptiles." Delance says. "Also I have Arachnophobia and a large fear of pigs. I can eat them but if I see one I freak out and go through a large panic attack. Once I was walking past my neighbours place and they had a pet pig. When I saw it I paniced and freaked out so bad that I had a small heart attack." Delance shivers at the thought.
"So you have Swinophobia." Crystal says and Delance nods.
"Have you deleted my old documents yet. The Delance Fisher ones?" She asks.
"Not yet." Crystal replies.
"Delete all pictures and info except for my skill records and past job. The one I had 5 years ago when I first met you. Just make sure theres no info about what I was doing there." Delance says and Crystal nods.
"Hows the name Silvia Winchester?" Maddison asks.
"I love it." Delance replies with a happy smile.
"I know just the look for you... Silvia." Coraline giggles and gets to work.

Silvia walked out of the surf store with a bag in hand. Her phone rings amd she answers it as she walks down the street. "Hello." She says.
"Hey Silvia. It's Crystal. I have a surprise for you. Come to Royal Rides before you head to the surf comp." Says a voice on the other end of the line.
"Sure. Be there in 5." Silvia hangs up and sprints down the street.
She wove around people and skidded around corners until Royal Rides came into veiw. It was a magnificent building that caught your eye every time you pass. Silvia slowed to a walk and entered the car dealership. Crystal was talking to a customer so Silvia walked over and sat on one of the comfy seats.
Crystal shook the customers hand and waved over an employee. She said something to them before walking over. "Hey. What's the surprise?" Silvia asks curiously.
"Follow me." Crystal says and leads the girl down one of the many hallways.
"You really suit that look you know." Crystal says and Silvia smiles.
"Coraline is brilliant." She replies.
She use to have black hair and a flimsy yet strong frame. Now she has brown to blonde ombre hair and her body is made of strong muscle. Not too much but enough for you to know she's strong enough to break you if your not careful.
"She most certainly is. Have any guys come up to you yet?" Crystal asks with a smirk and Silvia rolls her eyes.
"Plenty. Three have already approached me today." She replies.
"One of them got a broken nose." She adds and Crystal laughs.
"Good on ya. Your surprise is in here but this area is top secret. Nobody but me can get in here and/or is allowed in here. Your an exception. You and I have been through hell. We share something large in common. So I welcome you to the vault." Crystal says as she scabs her eyes, voice and hand as well as a long digital code. The door swings open and Silvia gasps upon entering.
There were shelves of weapons and work benches with parts scattered over them. There was a shooting range and knife throwing area. At one side was a cleared out area with something covered in a tan coloured sheet. Crystal walks oved to it as Silvia looks around in wonder.
"This is your surprise." Crystal pulls away the sheet and Silvias jaw drops.
"Oh my god. Is that for me?" She gasps as she walks over.

It was a black Lambourgini Aventador with blue rims. It was shinimg and had not a speck of dust on it. "Yup. It's been modified slightly so it's quieter, faster and cleaner. Also it's bulletproof. Including the tyres." Crystal says and Silvia hugs her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She squeals and Crystal chuckles.
"It's already connected to your phone so your able to send and recieve calls with the car. It dosn't need a key. Only you can drive it unless you upload someone elses data into it." Crystal explains and Silvia smiles happily.
"The door handle will recognize your skin pattern and fingerprints which unlocks the car." Crystal continues and Silvia hurries over to the drivers door.
She holds the door handle and it beeps. She opens the door and smiles at the sight of the inside. It was black with a blue dashboard and blue seat trims. "This is amazing. This must have cost a fortune. I can't." Silvia looks at Crystal who puts her hands on her hips.
"I can not have you going on to be a sexy, awesome, champion surfer without having an equally amazing car. Plus I've transfered 1.5 billion into your bank account. Don't argue. You'll need it if your gonna get a reasonable house and surf board for your later compititions." She sasses and Silvias eyes widen in shock.
"Oh my god I love you so much." She says and Crystal smiles.
"Go surf. I'll be watching on the TV on the main floor. Make sure to win." Crystal says and claps her hands. The back wall slides open to reveal a back road.
Silvia nods and climbs into her new car. She closes the door and the car revs to life. Silvia waves before driving off smoothly. She drives onto the busy LA streets and heads home wear she grabs the bag of things she'd brought and ran inside.
She had brought a new surfing bikini top with matching shorts. They were black with a red lily on the right side. Silvia then runs to her room and grabs her white surf board with purple floral designs. She takes it out to her car and frowns. "How on earth am I going to get my surf board in there?" She asks herself.
The back of the Lamborgini lifts up and Silvia smiles. She puts the surf board in and the back closes. Silvia jumps back into the car and drives off to the surf conp location. "It's time to show everyone the new surf champ is in town."

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