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Silvia Winchester
My eyes snap open and I let out a whimper. "Oh thank god. I was getting worried." Crystal came into veiw and I close my eyes. Images of Josh's dead body flashed through my mind and I quickly opened them.
"What happened?" I croak and Crystal hands me a glass of water which I drink eagerly.
"Well you've been unconcious for 2 days. Your healing quickly and the doctors say you should be out in another 6 days." Crystal explains and sits in the chair by the hospital bed.
Before I can reply the door bursts open and Kyle storms in, slamming the door shut behind him. "What the hell did you do?" He growled.
"Kyle. Calm down she only just woke up." Crystal snaps. Kyle glares at her angrily.
"I will not calm down until she explains what the hell happened when she was attacked. I need answers." He spat and my breath catches in my throat. What does he know?
Kyle stares at me coldly and fear thrums through my body. "I was knocked off my board and dragged under. They were wearing a dive suit. I-I knocked them out but the still sliced open my arm. That's when I swam up and resurfaced. I kept looking back because I thought there would be more of them after me. Then you came and helped me." I said frightfully, my hands shaking in fear.
"Do you know who it was that attacked you or maybe have an idea?" He asks, his fists clenched.
"No, why?" I lied quickly.
"I sent in divers to check it out. The guy you knocked out was a navy seal. A highly trained one at that. My men found his dead body on the sea floor, half torn apart by sharks. What did you do that would make a navy seal attemt to kill you?" Kyle stared at ne with cold eyes and I feel my blood run cold.
"Wait. Navy seals?" Crystal slowly looks at me and I swallow.
"Turns out they both know who I am." I laugh nervously.
"I understand the one from Turkey but the navy? Where did that come from?" She asks.
"I can't tell you." I whisper.
"You can't or you won't." Kyle growls.
"I don't want a third group to come after me okay so back off both of you. If I tell you anything then I'm as good as dead. My boss will kill me and he will kill me as soon as possible even if that means in broad daylight in the middle of a busy street at rush hour." I yell and the two reel back in shock.
"Now get out... Both of you. I don't wanna come across you again unless it's for a surf comp so don't visit. It'll be for the best." I say while looking at my hands.
"Silvia..." Crystal begins and I hold up my hand.
"Please. Just go." I whisper. Slowly Crystal stands and walks from the room with a shell shocked Kyle close behind.

Kyle Brandon
I pace my room back and forth yet it felt to small. To much like a cage. It's been 2 weeks since Silvia chucked Crystal and I from the hospital room and said she never wanted to see any of us again
My phone rings and I answer without looking at the caller ID. "Boss, it's Delance. Is there a job you want me to do?" A females voice says from the other end of the line making my halt in my tracks.
"Please. Don't stop pacing." They add and I shake my head in shock.
"How'd you know I was pacing?" I ask curiously.
"I could hear you." Delance replies in a 'duh' tone.
"Right. There is a job actually. In 2 days I need you to lead a dive mission. There's an incoming sub from the navy group you're watching. I have reason to believe it has nuclear weapons on it." I reply as I continue pacing.
"How many people will be with me?" She asks.
I don't answer for a second as I ponder in thought. I need to see Delance in person. I also need to cheek out this navy sub. "Just one. They'll meet you on the docks at 9pm." I reply and Delance snorts.
"9pm? Well then. I'd vetter rest up. Talk to ya later boss." With that she hangs up.
There's something odd about Delance. She seems familiar in some way. I just don't know how.
"KYLE!" Ash yells from downstairs. I get pulled from my thoughts and plod down to see what he want's.
"KYLE!" Crystal yells and I know somethings up so I run. When I get into the lounge Maddison is typing away and the TV is showing video footage of a run down part of town.
"What is it?" I ask quickly.
"Wait. That's the address I drop the paychecks off to one of my best employees." I say in shock. To be exact it was the address Delance gets her pay checks dropped off at.
"One of your Snipers picked up something weird. A black Lambourgini driving into this part of town." Crystal says. I watch as a familiar black car with blue trims came to a stop outside the house.
The drivers door opens and Silvia steps out. "Get me on coms with the Sniper now." I say quickly.
"Coms are on." Maddison says.
"This is Kyle. Place your name." I order.
"It's Carl sir. I'm filming through my scope." The staticy voice of my head Sniper replies.
"Did you see her drive straight to this address?" I ask.
"She drove down alleys and side streets at around 60 miles an hour but didn't slow till she got on this street." Carl replies.
"Keep filming and stay alert." I say.
Me and everyone else stares at the TV. Silvia looks around slowly at all the buildings as if looking for something. Or someone. She pulls out her phone and rings someone. She turns completely and stares straight up at Carl, looking right into the filming scope.
Theres a dull gunshot and a cry of shock before the visual cracks then disappears. "Carl. Carl do you read me?" I ask quickly. Everyone growing restless.
"I read you. Someone shot out the camera. Their aim is deadly accurate. Nothing else is damaged at all. Not even a scratch. They just took out the camera. Theres another Sniper around here." Carl says and my body freezes.
"Get out of there right now." I order.
"Theres a man with a gun. She's talking to him." Carl says and I begin to breath quickly.
"Get out of there." I yell. Theres another gunshot yet alot louder.
"Carl. Carl." I yell yet he doesn't reply.
"Damn it." I hiss and punch the wall in frustration.
"Wait. Turn up the volume." Crystal says.
Maddison does and now we can hear Silvia yelling. "Who did you bring here? I told you to come alone."
"What about you? Your not alone." A man yells back.
"That is just Max. He watches this place. He's the lookout." Silvia growls.
"Not anymore he isn't." The man replies and another gunshot fills the air.
"Crap." I grab my keys and race outside and jump into my car. Crystal leaps into the passenger seat.
"Go, go, go. I have the guns." She says frightfully and I step on the gas. Silvia is in danger.

Sharks Under The Surface; Book 2Where stories live. Discover now