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"You are in no fit state to go back by yourself Silvia. I'll drive you." Kyle said as he helps a shaking Silvia over the cold, windy docks and to his car.
"F-fine. Tur-urn the hea-heater on full a-and can we go ge-et a hot coff-ffee from McDo-Donalds pl-please. I-I'm cold." Silvia stutters as she climbs into the front passenger seat.
Kyle jumps into the drivers seat and turns the heater on full as soon as he started the car. "What kind?" He asks.
"Anythi-ing. As lo-ng as it's h-hot." She replies as she closes her eyes and relishes the feeling if the warm air on her skin yet she just couldn't stop shaking.
Kyle pulls up at McDonalds and the man taking the orders blinks in shock. He doesn't take long to bring two steaming coffees out. Kyle quickly hands one to Silvia and drives out. Silvia gulps down the coffee and sighs happily as it's warmth slowly fills her. "Here have mine. You need it. I'm not as cold as you." Kyle says.
"Thanks." She takes it from him with cold hands and this time sips at it slower.
Kyle pulls up outside the manor and turns off the car. Silvia downs the rest of the coffee and climbs slowly from the car. She shivers against the cold. Kyle walks over and wraps an arm around her, sheilding her from the breeze as much as he could. As soon as they enter the manor they sigh at the warmth and Kyle leads Silvia to the kitchen.
He sets Silvia in a seat and warms up some milk. "It's warm and it'll help you sleep." He says. She drinks it slowly and yawns. Kyle chuckles and wipes away some if the foam from her upper lip.
"Come on. It's really late. It is... 2 in the morning." Kyle says softly and Silvia lets out a groan and leans her head on the counter. She's slowly stopped shaking.
"We can sleep on the couch then. It's closer." Kyle snorts and lifts Silvias cold body into his arms.
She yawns and nuzzles her face deeper into his chest. "Your really warm." Shr murmurs.
Kyle sits on a chair and opens up the foot rest. Silvia presses up beside him and drapes her arm loosly over him as she rests her head his chest, listening to his heart beat. "And your freezing. Now go to sleep." He replies softly and Silvia smiles against his chest.
"Whatever you say... Sharky." She whispers before she falls asleep. Kyle can't help but smile before moving a little and wrapping his arms around Silvia.
He closes his eyes and sighs. Silvias cold body slowly thawing against him. With a slight yawn he too skowly doozes off. His thoughts souly on Silvis and the fear in her voice when he was being circled by sharks and when she thought he was lost out at sea. He swore to himself that he would keep Silvia safe. No matter what.
After that he fell into a deep comfortable sleep.

Everyone slowly came downstairs at the same time in the morning. Silvia wasn't in her room. When they raced into the lounge Alex accidentally crashed into a sidetable, startling Kyle awake. "Careful. Silvia needs her sleep." Kyle snapped as he glared back at them before getting comfortable again and gently stroking Silvias hair.
"Sorry. We were just worrued cause she wasn't in her room. We thought she might have run off or something." Alex says sheepishly.
Silvia moans and presses her face into Kyles chest. "Just shut up. I hurt everywhere." She growls before she wiggles around a little and goes back to sleep.
"What happened last night?" Maddison whispers.
"Not what your all thinking. Now go away." Kyle replies sharply before yawning and closing his eyes.
"Alright grumpy pants." Antonio sats and they all walk to the kitchen where they get breakfast and head their seperate ways to work.

Silvia opens her eyes with a yawn. Kyle was still asleep and she had no way to get out of the chair because his arm was firmly wrapped around her. "Yo Sharky. Wake up." She grumbles as she jabs his chest.
Kyle groans and opens his eyes slowly he opens his arms and Silvia wiggles from the chair and streatches but ends up cursing under her breath. "How'd you get the bruise?" Kyle yawns as he folds down the foot rest and gets to his feet.
"I was hit by part of that sub from last night." She replies as she pulls off her jacket. Her arm was purple, red and black.
"I'll be back." She mumbles before jogging off.
Kyle removes his shirt and sighs as the air cooled down his body. He plods to the kitchen and grabs a drink of water as he looks outside. "Nice back." Silvia snorts as she walks in with a laptop and sits at the counter.
She feeks heat ruse to her cheeks when Kyle walks behind her and leans closer so his bare chest rubbed against her back. "This is what's in the sub and it's definately not nucular weapons." Silvia says as a video streams of the inside of the submarine. It was full of people and tables.
"It's like a grouping sub. The three groups get together to discuss strategies." Kyle says and Silvia nods.
"Let's hear what they're saying." She types a few things in and they have sound.
"Lets use the Hotel de Rosa." A tall, buff man suggests in a foreign accent.
"Yes. In two days. Make sure everyone is dressed up to perfection. All the best will be there." A woman with a cold expression adds.
The vision on the laptop goes fuzzy and the words become crackly. Silvia shuts it off and huffs. "They're all meeting in the big fancy hotel in Paris by the Eiffel Tower." She says as she thinks.
"We have to figure out what they're up to." Kyle says and Silvia turns to him with a smirk.
"They all know Bullseye. But they don't know what Bullseye looks like. They'll want her to help. I could disguise myself and be a spy." She says and Kyles eyes widen.
"No. It's too dangerous." He says seriously.
"We don't have a choice. You stay here and I'll have on a pair of earings. They'll act as coms. You can hear everything that I'll be able to hear and you'll be able to talk to me without anyone else hearing." She says as she walks over to stand in front of him.
"I'll fly out the day after tomorrow in the afternoon. Please Kyle. Please." She pleads and Kyle sighs.
"Fine. I'll get a plane sorted so you'll get there in 3 to 4 hours." He says and Silvia hugs him.
"Thank you." She whispers before running upstairs leaving Kyle in the kitchen. Thinking and worrying about this plan.

Sharks Under The Surface; Book 2Where stories live. Discover now