I'm A Navy Man

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Delance Fisher

When we get back to tha academy I lead Scales back to his enclosure. I kiss the top of his gead before closing the gate and walking up to my room. Kyle was sitting on the bed with his back against the headpost while on his phone. I smile slightly and walk to my wardrobe. I grab my clothes and stuff them away into a dufflebag. "You already packed?" I asked back to Kyle. He doesn't answer and I look over my shoulder to see a trickle of blood dripping from his nose.
"Kyle?" I ask warily.
He collapses sideways and I can't help but let out a frightened scream.

I jerk upright panting. It was just a dream. Kyle lay beside me sleeping peacefully. Pecking his forehead quickly I climb out of bed and change into my swimming gear. I glance back at Kyle when I reach the door. He would freak out if he just saw I was gone so I wrote a note and stuck it to the door.
'Gone swimming. Don't worry.
Love Delance'
Grabbing a towel I jog outside. The sun wasn't up yet and the air was cold yet it calmed me. Jogging into the pool building I drop my towel and walk to the waters edge. It was crystal clear and reflected the dull lights in sparkling patterns. Cautiously I dip my finger in. It doesnt sting so I pull it out and smell. It was water. Once someone attempted to kill me by adding acid into the water. Let's just say he went for an everlasting swim after it failed.
I dive into the water and sit on the bottom, hugging my knees. I let tears come. Nobody can see you crying in the water. Your tears just wash away unnoticed. I sit on the bottom crying for what feels like an eternity before resurfacing for air. I yelp in shock when I see Kyle sitting beside the pool watching me. "How long have you been sitting there?" I ask as I swim to the side and rest my arms on the edge.
Kyle looks at his watch. "10 minutes. Your really good at holding your breath." He says as he leans back on his hands.
Smirking wickedly I splash Kyle. He yelps and makes a dive at me but I dive under the water and go sit on the bottom in the middle of the pool. A couple seconds pass before theres a splash as Kyle dives into the pool. I hold in a shriek so I don't swallow watef as he gravs me around the waist and pulls he into him. His hand caressed the bare skin of my bag making me shiver. He'd removed his shirt so he only wore his shorts. His chest seemed to glow in the water. He pulls me closer so we were pressed hard against each other.
Slowly we float to the surface. Kyle swims us to the side and sits me up on the side. He runs his fingers lightly around to my stomach them slowly down my thigh. I gasp and he chuckles wickedly. "Revenge is my specialty, my little ocean."
Swiftly I leap forwards wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. I held my face just centimetres from his. "Well I like your revenge. I should be naughty more often." I whisper before kissing Kyle hungrily.
He responds with equal hunger. Kyle manages to get up onto the edge without breaking away or me having to detatch. My fingers tangle in his hair and he pulls me even closer, our bodies moulding against each other.
Kyle breaks away and he trails kisses down my neck. When he gets to my sweet spot I let out a soft moan. He lingers before traveling lower. My body buzzed with need. He kisses as low as my bikini top shows before stopping and looking into my face. His eyes full of love.
"Let's head back. We're leaving today." I say. Kyle nods and allows me to detatch myself and climb to my feet. He stands and shakes the water drom his hair.
A slight laugh leaves my lips as I dry myself down. "Did you bring a towel?"
"No I didn't. Now I'm kinda wishing I did." He replies and I chuck him mine with a snort.
"Come on Sharky." I lead the way back up to the academy and Kyle slips his arm around my waist.
We walk into the academy together. As we walk past any of the personel they salute. "You seem to be very important around here." Kyle says as we head up the stairs.
"Well duh. My parents made this place and I'm the highest ranking General here at the moment." I reply with a shrug.
"You're better than I am." He sighs as we reach our room.
"But you love me anyway." I kiss his cheek and grab a pair of clothes.
"I'm taking a shower. You gonna join me Kyle?" A slow smile creeps up onto my lips as I walk past him. He smiles excitedly and also grabs a pair of clothes before following me into the bathroom.

Kyle Brandon
After a long shower involving a very heated moment with Delance I'm feeling refreshed. We got back home half an hour ago and I couldn't have enjoyed a glass of beer more than this moment. I'm in the lounge on my favourite spot with the guys all relaxing around me.
Delance walks in laughing with Crystal and Maddison. They stop laughing and I gaze at Delance. She wore ripped black jeans and a blood red halter neck crop top. She smiles at me and walks over. She sits on my lap and takes my beer. She downs the rest and I scoff childishly. "Hey. That was mine."
She ruffles my hair and I catch her hand. "You can just get another one." She says with a smirk.
"Do you want me to take revenge on you?" I ask lowly.
"Ooooooooohh." The others say but I ignore them and by the looks of it so does Delance.
"Yes. Yes I would." She replies with a smirk before climbing from my lap and walking away.
"Wait what?" The others all look at me in confusion.
With a slight chuckle I answer. "I'm a navy man. Water changes things up for me. Especially when I have Delance as well."

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